
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Are Spirit Entities Real or Myth?

Greetings from Tucson Arizona USA,

This weeks blog is about  Spirit Entities, not to be confused with Spirit
guides.  A Spirit Entity is usually someone who has lived on the earth
plane and did not cross over to the other side.  There are various reasons
for them staying here on this side.  The point is whatever reason the have
chosen to stay behind, usually leads to them causing someone on this side
some type of trouble.

Do you ever remember when you were a youngster and getting in trouble
from your parents?  When you were asked why you did that thing, your
reply was, "I don't know." Mostly likely it was your spirit playmates influence.
Psychic children always attract spirit children as playmates or friends.
Mostly all children are psychic before society shuts them down and reprograms
them to believe: "It is just your imagination, it is not real."

I have just uploaded the local Tucson Cable access show called Steps Beyond
Time,  "Entity Possession"

In this show Rev. Betty tells the story of an extreme case of entity possession.
To summarize this story:  It is about an elderly Korean woman who was living
in the U.S., all of sudden she stopped sleeping and started to hear a voice that
constantly said, "kill yourself."

The woman told her daughter and her daughter brought her to Korea.
To Cheongpyeong the holy ground of the Unification Church.
It was Chyung Pyung Providence in Korea, which has a hospital there.
The hospital medium came by and after spending time with the woman,
asked the spirit who it was?  Why was he saying this to her?

It was revealed after some time that it was a Japanese man, who wanted
the woman to kill herself. The reasoning for this Spirit Entity,
was if this woman dies, he would follow her into the light.  If he left this
woman, he would burn in hell forever.  (He had killed his father and 2 of
his brothers, in physical life)

The medium convinced him, and contacted some higher beings from the
spirit world.  The doctors on the spirit side were able to convince
the man to leave the woman. They promised to take him into a higher
place.  He finally agreed and left the woman and she became well again.

This link is from a Unification Sermon from Sept 19,1998
(Mrs. Kim) Dae Mo Nim

If you really what to hear the story listen to Rev. Betty tell it.
Rev. Betty also tells a story of her psychic/medium sister who worked
in a psyche ward in the hospital, and what she saw.

The western equivalent was developed by William Baldwin in his
"Spirit Releasement Therapy"

This is a link that compares both techniques:

"An exorcism is tantamount to a miracle-an extraordinary intervention
  of God."
---Gabriele Nanni

This the last blog for 2013, I look forward to 2014,  it is the year of the 7.
The #7 is a deeper understanding of yourself and the world that you live in,
intuition and psychic abilities deepen.  2014, is the year of getting those
answers you have always been looking for.

So, if you don't have questions start thinking of some. There is a world of
spirit teachers ready to answer those questions.  Let's send some work their

Blessings and a Wondrous 2014,

---Sal Salvadini

ref to numerology:

Friday, December 20, 2013

The Mockup Bubble Technique (How to Send your Intention into the Universe)

Hello's From Tucson Arizona,

Today's blog is how to create something called a Mockup Bubble. This is a
psychic delivery method to send your request directly into the universe.
You can think of the Universe as a big holographic computer, that responds
and grants requests.  By becoming consciously aware to what you are actually
requesting, can significantly increase your results.

Lets look at the concept as the Universe being a living and breathing
being, that does not judge. The Universe can only respond to information
that we give it. Think of this process similar to a google search, the more
key words included the more defined your search results are.

Your can refer to my blog: How To Order From the Universe

The mockup bubble is referenced from an e- book called: The Daily Spiritual Tools
by Sherry Woodcock
It just so happens that I attended the same school that Sherry went to and use
this method frequently. So, I can attest that it actually works.

Creating our mockup, you ask what is a mockup? At least, I asked that question
when I heard it for the first time.  A mockup is a model of what you want to

This is the list of what we need to have to form the mockup:
Example lets create a mockup for a new car.

 1. What type of car: (Mini Cooper ) 4 door hatch back
     Color: cream beige.  Slightly used
 2. When (time) within a years time before the end of 2014

 3. How (within in my budget) a great deal 

 4. Where ( within approx. 500 mile distance zone) how far 
     I am willing to travel to get this car.

Now lets take all this information visualize placing it in our bubble.

Let's take Sherry's advice and show this mockup to someone in the Spirit
realm, it could be your guardian angel or someone who you consider 
to be someone of importance. Example: God
The reason behind showing this to a spiritual being is that we may have 
forgotten to ask for something, or something needs to be tweeked before 
we send it out into the Universe.

I suggest you go into a trance like state with your eyes closed and 
imagine meeting this being in a special place and talking to them.
Introduce yourself, and ask them for advice.  (Remember your 
imagination is actually your psychic ability.)  If you can visualize
that person in front of you, then you are connected to them. 
-Suggestion use a picture if you need help to visualize that being.

After, your session with your spiritual advisor assuming we get the
thumbs up now we need to send it off. 

Visualize handing this mockup bubble to Mercury the Messenger of the
Gods to send it off into the Universe for processing and manifestation.

Now, forget about it. Do not dwell on it. It only takes one request.
No need for a 2nd or 3rd.

I have explained the system that Sherry Woodcock writes about.

There is one step that I have left out, called The Karma Gauge.
For simple and medium mockups, the Karma gauge step is not
needed.  What is the Karma Gauge, that is next weeks blog.

"Be careful what you wish for, it might come true. Remember
not getting want you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke."
---Oscar Wilde

That's this weeks blog, may all your mockups come to you
                             in this lifetime!

-----Sal Salvadini

Post your results in the comment section.

Update:  As of November 2014, I have been offered a 2012 Fiat( For Free)

It is not the original mockup of the The Mini Cooper.  So I must need to
work on my Karma Gauge.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

"How To Send Spirits Into The Light" WW2 Veterans of Normandy

Greeting from Tucson,

This weeks blog is a review of our local Spiritualist Cable Show called
Steps Beyond Time, "A Tribute to the Veterans of WW2." Rev. Betty
Tatalajski a psychic medium tells the story of her visit to Normandy
Beach, France and the revelation that occurred to her on that beach.
There are still spirits alive on that beach, that haven't gone into the
light yet.  Find out what we can do to help them.

Rev. Betty explains the concept about how a spirit can not die.
---The difference between a spirit and a human, is that the spirit
can never die. The reason being because it was created. However
it can be uncreated only with the authority of our creator.
---The human body was born, so it will die. It is a physical
vessel for the spirit to walk in.

But spirits can feel hurt and pain.  And that is what those brave
spirits still walking the beach in Normandy are feeling.

I asked Rev. Betty what we can do from our homes to help
these spirits?  She replied, visualize yourself standing on that
beach.  See yourself reading the tribute that Spirit gave to Rev. Betty
on the beach.

Spirits Tribute:

Many men still lie on Normandy beaches, they lie under white
crosses in row after row.    I wonder if they feel our tears?
They gave their lives for freedom, that you & I might live
in a world of Peace & Brotherhood.  They gave all that they
could give. We pay homage to their Spirits, for we know they
did not die. Their bodies lie on Normandy beaches but their
Spirits soar high in the sky. We honor their courage and sacrifice.
We vow to set things right. We turn our hearts from hate to love.
Remember, we are all one in God's sight.

We Love You, We are calling in Angels to take you into a
lighted place. Go with them so that you may find the peace
you sought to give us.
I-  your name- call in the angels on behalf of these
brave men, to take them into a place of light.

Blessings and Peace

The Tribute that you read makes no difference.  The reading is about
getting the attention of the spirits. It can be musical, or a memorial
reading (or Whatever). The idea is to change the vibrations to one that is
more joyous, the spirits will then be more in tune to the higher vibrations.
The most important part: Is to call in the Angels in on their behalf
to take them to a place of peace and healing.  Urging the spirits to
go with the Angels.

Then Blessing Them

Thank you for allowing me to this service for the
Spirit Community.  Please pass and share this information
with any others that are interested. This world needs more
reasonable understanding of the Spirit World. It is my sincerest
hopes that this blog helps!

"Remember to count on your friends in Spirit"
 -Sal Salvadini

When Ghosts Speak: Understanding the World of Earthbound Spirits

Sunday, December 08, 2013

(Free Downloads) Channeled Lectures Metaphysics 101

Metaphysics Lab

Greetings from Tucson,

Todays blog is an introduction of 54 FREE downloads of Metaphysical
Lectures channeled by Dr. Robert Ireland's mediumship of an advanced
teacher named Dr. Carlos Blair.  I will just mention a few topics.
1. Here and Now, Applying your Talents
2. Thoughts are Real things
3. Predestination
4. How To Be A Better Listener (Awareness is the ability enhanced)
If your interested in the whole story, read more. Either way here is the link.

The Story:
In order to properly tell this story, allow me to set the stage.  Tucson Arizona, USA 
the 1980's.  A very small church, the size of a cottage, with pews.  A very talented
medium named Dr. Robert Ireland, (who is now also, working in Spirit)
the brother of the very famous medium Dr. Richard Ireland.

This is a Youtube link to Richard Ireland on the Steve Allen Show

Dr. Ireland would with the blindfold on, walk up and down the aisles, stand in front of the

person who wrote the question and answer it.  Dr. Ireland was in contact with his       Dr.Teacher. (Dr. of Philosophy)

Their job is to work with you, to give you directions in the physical 
incarnation. Dr. Ireland's Dr. Teacher at this time was Dr. Carlos Blair.
Dr. Carlos Blair

Dr. Blair opened every class with the statement:" It is indeed a pleasure to have this 
opportunity to manifest in this manner." Dr.Blair would also joke and tell everyone
"if you haven't noticed by now, I am a little bit english." Dr. Blair would present 
metaphysical topics, that are all true and indeed valid in this day and age.  "The Truth
never gets old or goes out of fashion." 

Dr. Blair had a time limit of 30 minutes to use Dr. Ireland's body, Dr. Blair speaks

about someone called "The Rock", a nickname that Dr. Blair had given to Robert 

Ireland's Indian protector." Rollin Stone." Rollin Stone would start coming around
near the end of the lecture, so Dr. Blair did not overstay his allotted time.
Dr. Blair not only gave lectures, he also opened the floor to questions about the topic of 
the evening.  If all the questions were answered regarding the spoken topic, Dr. Blair would
start answering questions of a more personal nature.

The Official Website for the Dr. Blair lectures is at Raise The Pond.

The site says these audios are to shared made available to friends, family,
co-worker or anyone else you see fit.

I myself was first introduced and given 25 Dr. Blair lectures on CD.
I have found that when I drive on long journeys I pop a CD in and
listen to Dr. Blair.

Just doing my part to spread the word.   Send a comment back 
if you liked what you listened to.


Sal Salvadini

"There is always something beautiful to be found if you look for it."
-----White Eagle

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

When Should You Contact the Karmic Board

The Members of the Karma Board

Hello from Tucson,

About writing this blog, I am an apprentice medium, so I am always hearing
spirit speak to me.  It is up to me, to learn discernment, between which messages
I should share publicly and which ones I should keep to myself.  I kept hearing,
You need to remind people that the Karmic Board will be meeting on the Winter

So, this is a reminder to craft your letters to the Karmic board, in order for it
to be reviewed in for the beginning of this upcoming  year.  This is for people who                             are experienced in making submissions to the Karmic board.  If, you are not
experienced  working with the Karmic, then refer to my previous blog:
How To Contact the Karma Board

So, I looked up at the pictures of the Karmic members, and decided to tune in to
see if I could channel one of them to give you a message.  So, I choose Pallas Athena.
The context of this message is for the newbies to become familiar with working with
the Karmic Board.

The Goddess of Truth and Wisdom.
According to the Ascension Research center:

This is what I heard,  Remember when you contact the Karmic board
you are making a formal request for the members to review your
letter.  Asking for a intervening of karma, is not to be taken lightly.

I recommend, as I have witnessed with this channel. Become familiar
with 1 or 2 of the known members of the board. 
 The ones you feel strongly to becoming acquainted with.  Ask them 
in meditation if they can give you a couple of counseling sessions in                                             your spirit body,  while you sleep.

You may write down what the troubles are that you are having and place it,
under your pillow. Many of the times it seems that with a slight adjustment 
in your focal point.  The troubles can disappear and be replaced
 with something of a very good nature.

This is just one way of accomplishing a positive change in your life. 
After working with us in spirit and depending upon your growth you 
may gain conscious awareness of our presence.  But know, whether
you have a conscious awareness or not, you have created an alliance
and a lasting friendship through this life and into many more.

The choice is yours,
In the wisdom of truth.

Pallas Athena through the mediumship of Sal Salvadini

The other members of the Karmic board are:

The Great Divine Director  

He holds the office of the Divine Director                                                                   In the Hindu tradition he was known as
the elephant-god Ganesha.
He serves on the Karmic board.  You may contact him as
The Great Divine Director or as Ganesha.  He will respond
in either form. His retreat is The Cave of the Light in the Himalayas.

The Goddess of Liberty

The Goddess of Liberty represents the yellow (2nd) ray on the
Karmic board. She is the spokes person for the Karmic board.
She is known the ancient greeks as Demeter.
Ask to be taken to her retreat The Temple of the Sun over
Manhattan Island in Spirit.

Ascended Master Lady Master Nada

Lady Master Nada represents the pink (3rd) ray on the Karmic
board. Lady Nada has a retreat over New Bedford Massachuetts
near Cape Cod. Known as the Rose Temple.

Pallas Athena

The Goddess of Truth (Wisdom) Divine Complement of the
Maha Chohan. Represents the 4th ray (white), representative of the
Holy Spirit. Pallas Athena is the Patroness of the Temple of
Truth Retreat over the island of Crete.

Cyclopea is the Elohim of the 5th ray (emerald). He governs the cosmic light
sphere known as "The All Seeing Light Of God." His retreat is located
in the Altai Mt. Range, where China, Siberia & Mongolia meet.

Kwan Yin
Kwan Yin directs the Flame of Mercy and Compassion and is in charge
of directing the Cosmic Gift of Healing to mankind. Kwan Yin's retreat
is over Beijing China, where a central golden doomed pagoda and twelve
surrounding pagodas release mercy's violet flame for the entire planet.

Portia the Goddess of Justice & Opportunity, Chairperson of the Board. Represents
the 7th ray (violet). Lady Master Portia's retreat is over Ghana, near Accra.

The Karmic board reference information taken from: Ascension Research Center

So, remember don't craft your letters in haste, if your are not sure what to ask
for then take Pallas Athena's advice and contact one of the members first (informally).
It has been an honor for me to write this blog.  It is my hope that this motivates others
to become inspired like myself.

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool then to speak and remove
all doubt."
-----Abraham Lincoln

That's this week blog:

May your nightly spiritual travels allow your spirit to be nourished and filled with Light.

Sal Salvadini

This may be reblogged, under the creative commons license, giving credit to the author.

Monday, November 25, 2013

You Can Run, But You Can NOT Escape KARMA

 Theagenes of Thasos

Greetings from Tucson,

This a story that recounts an amazing rise of a Greek God, yet he could not be
considered a God until he completed his Karma.    Theagenes was said to be the
son of Herakles (Hercules).  At age 9, Theagenes walking through the town
is said to have ripped a bronze statue of one of the gods of Agora  off its base and carried it
home.  Instead of the penalty of death, one of the town's elders decided that Theagenes
for punishment, he was to carry and put the statue back.  This causing the boys fame to
spread throughout Greece. (The Karma begins.)

Theagenes grew up to be an Olympic champion in boxing and pankration (boxing and wrestling
with no rules) and gained great fame for himself and his homeland Thasos.   After his death
a statue of Theagenes was erected in his honor.

It seemed that a former opponent of Theagenes who never won against him, came to the
statue every night and beat it.  With the theory that Theagenes would feel this on the
other side.  One night durning the customary beating of the statue it came loose, and fell
on the man and killed him.   Apparently, that theory was correct and indeed Theagenes
did feel and sense the nightly beating and finally had enough of it. So, he  had his statue fall    
on the former opponent thus freeing himself from that ritual.

(The Karma returns)
This act was considered murder by the greeks, not an accident.   The man's children wanted
the statue prosecuted for the murder. Apparently, the trial did not go well for Theagenes.
According to Greek law at the time, written by Draco.
The punishment was exile, the Thasians removed the statue and dropped in the ocean.

Shortly after the Theagenes statue exile, a severe drought broke out on the island of Thasos.
No crops were growing.  The Thasians sent an envoy to the great Oracle of Delphi.
Who told the Thasians "To welcome back all exiles." Which the Thasians did.
But, still no relief from the drought and famine. The rulers again sent an envoy to
the Oracle, it is then that Pythia reminded them that the Theagenes  statue lay at
the bottom of the sea. They needed to retrieve it back. 

Amazingly, while they were trying to figure out how to do exactly that.
Some fisherman apparently caught the statue in their net and brought it ashore.
They set the statue back in its former place, the drought and famine was released
and Theagenes became known as the Healing-God.  Given the sacrifices and offerings
of a god.

This account was given to us from Pausanias (AD 110-AD 180)
A Greek traveler and geographer. He is famous for his description 
of Ancient Greece. Known for his first hand observations, known for
his unquestionable honesty.

It has been an honor for myself to research these great persons
of antiquity. Just, by reading about them, and getting a sense
of their lives, enriches my life here on this earth.

It is my hope, that you may have a similar experience!

"How people treat you is their karma, how you react is yours."
----Wayne Dyer

Remember to be mindful of your thoughts, actions and deeds. They will
return to you, aim for the highest good!

Sal Salvadini

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Have No Fear

Greetings from Tucson,

 Metaphysics and spiritualism is growing stronger at this time of the year.
With the end of the years approaching, people want to find out what
 is going to happen, in the up coming year of 2014.  Here in Tucson, we
will be attending prophecy circles, held by Rev. David Miller of United Fellowship
Chapel who is a direct channel for Dr. Beck of the Spirit world.

This weeks blog started out with a review of the local TV show
Steps Beyond Time 31, "Have No Fear"

Rev. Betty tells her tale of being dragged by a boat (piloted by a beginner) down the
alligator infested St. Johns River in Florida. She is finally rescued 30 minutes later by
a graduating class of Navy Seals. The best part is that Rev. Betty's spirit teacher
Dr. Carlos Blair told her,"You are going to have a nice adventure."
I definitely know the spirit has a sense of humor!

I usually like to do  background research about things that Rev. Betty says in
her TV show.  To provide a better of understanding of a certain phrase or person
mentioned. This weeks show has totally taken me in a new direction.

The quote "You have nothing to Fear but Fear itself" spoken by Franklin D. Roosevelt
at his first Inaugural Address.  Rev. Betty mentions that FDR had known Helena Roerich
the president of the Theosophical Society, and that is where such a metaphysical quote
would had originated from.

There is no doubt in mind that Franklin D. Roosevelt was a Metaphysician, Freemason,
and patriot who saw the Divine Vision of the United States.

But a little digging on my part about where this phrase originated from lead to 
different outcome.  FDR had his speeches written for him by Columbia University
Professor Raymond Moley.  And in that speech particular speech it was seen
by long time confidante Louis Henry McHowe, it was McHowe who added the
phrase "We have nothing to Fear but Fear itself."
Because of FDR's background I am sure he held no objections to saying that phrase.

From my research it seems that FDR was a man who surrounded himself with
very capable people, and was very open minded about many things. He pursued
the affixing of the great seal of one dollar bill, with the symbol of the all seeing 
eye which the symbol of god in freemasonry. Brought to Roosevelt's  attention by the 
then 33rd Vice-President and mystic Henry Wallace, also a 32 degree freemason like Roosevelt.

In some other time I would love to explore the Freemason connection in our world.
It was Solomon who employed the Masons to build his temple. It was also
George Washington and many of the Founding Fathers of the United States (Freemasons) who helped form the young country. 

 Another little tidbit is that FDR and Winston Churchill were both Freemasons.
This is another uncovering that encountered, in 1943 Tehran Conference both FDR & Churchill
were convinced to stay at the Soviet Embassy. The russians said, "the American
Embassy was not safe."  Both Churchill and FDR were both poisoned.
Churchill was near death, his life was saved by Sir Alexander Fleming, the discoverer
of penicillin.  FDR was extremely ill on his return, and never recovered his strength.

This from the book: "The Strange Death of Franklin D. Roosevelt" by
Emmanuel M. Josephson 1948


This is the question I am asking the Universe (meaning the readers out in the blogasphere)
Does the Hand of God work through the Freemasons?

Todays quote: Today I will live in the moment. Unless it is unpleasant, in
which case, me will eat a cookie."
---Cookie Monster

 That's this weeks blog:

"Remember think good thoughts about the Spirit world, they can hear them on the
other side."

Sal Salvadini

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

St. Paul replies from the Spirit World!

Greetings from Tucson,

As spiritualist and a member of the Temple of Universality here in Tucson, AZ.
We believe that truth can be found in all religions.  Whether it is Gandhi, Buddha
Rev. Martin Luther King or Rev Moon. I am fascinated by people who have
created history and shaped our world.

Here at the Temple of Universality, it is a privilege to be able to attend something
called a trance circle. (Trance circle is where Spirits from the other side of the veil
can carry on conversations with us in the physical. The spirits speak through a
medium who is in trance.) Rev. Kristine Fossetti is a trance medium who conducts
them 2x a month.

In a previous blog called "Sometimes a Spiritual Awakening can scare the BeJesus
out of you!!" I wrote: I wonder what St. Paul thought when he heard the voice of
Jesus after he fell from the horse?  On second thought I am going to ask him
next time I attend a trance circle, and report back to you my readers.

I spoke to Rev. Betty Tatalajski who attends the trance circles and asked her if St. Paul
comes in to ask him for me.

This is what Rev. Betty reported back:

St. Paul indeed come in through the circle and he spoke for a while. Then he started
telling Rev. Betty what happen him on that day on the road to Damascus.  Rev. Betty
said, "I did not not have to ask the question, St. Paul already knew."

This is what was said by St. Paul in spirit "When Jesus appeared to me, it scared me!
I fell off my horse. I thought the christians were going to kill me!"
(This is one where it scared the Jesus in and not out of someone.)

The fact that the bible never states that Jesus appeared to him, only about a light
from heaven.  Makes me wonder what else has been lost in translation?
Acts 9

He also said, "You know I am Lord Hilarion now."

St. Paul had taken another embodiment of Saint Hilarion in 290 A.D.
He was canonized by the Catholic Church and is today known as the founder of the anchorite life, having originated in Palestine.

To this day known anchorites devote themselves to lives of seclusion and pray. It is said that St. Hilarion ascended at the close of that embodiment.
Ref.  The Hearts Community Center

St. Paul now communicates to us through the personality known as the ascended master Lord Hilarion.   As Lord Hilarion, he is in charge of
the 5th ray, the green ray of truth. science, vision & prosperity.
Lord Hilarion works closely with Arch Angel Raphael, on the this ray.
Read about at:

I have had the privilege to listen and speak to some of the great people of our time
through the trance circle.  For me, it is mind blowing!!!
Read about some of the people I have heard from in Spirit

If you had a chance to ask anyone in history a question, Who would it be?
What question would you ask?

Leave me a comment with your answers. Spirit knows, I may get a opportunity
to ask your question and have it answered

"Be yourself everyone is taken"
---Oscar Wilde

That's this weeks blog.  Have an amazing week! I know I will!

In Spirit,
Sal Salvadini

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Fire Walking Instant Enlightenment

Greetings from Tucson!

This weeks blog was supposed to be a review of Steps Beyond Time #41, 
"FireWalking Instant Enlightenment."  But, due to technical glitch I do 
not have the link for the show, at this time.
Steps Beyond Time is a local Cable TV show, of The Temple of Universality.

Basically Rev. Betty Tatalajski tells the story of her 2 year old granddaughter
walking on hot fresh laid asphalt in the hot summer Tucson sun. Rev.
Betty hears from spirit not to be in fear and certainly do not project any to 
her granddaughter, for it could severely harm her.

Her granddaughter's feet were perfectly cool after she found her. This innocent
child knew no fear to step on the hot asphalt, she was preoccupied with something

Writing this, I am reminded about the story of St. Peter who is walking on water.
St. Peter walks on the top of water as long as he is focused on the masters eyes.
As soon as he looks away, and realizes he is walking on water, he falls in.
The key is to stay focused on the goal, not to lose sight.

After, the incident with her granddaughter Rev. Betty
talks about meeting someone named Tolly Burkan  
Tolly Burkan
founder of the Firewalking Institute
the founder of the Firewalking Institute.  Rev. Betty
walks on fire.  

From my research it seems that fire walking is a big 
thing in corporate events now.  There are major 
corporations AT&T, Mircosoft, Coca cola to name 
a few.  Use firewalk seminars to inspire their
managers to break through mental barriers.
Tolly Burkan is known to the father of the global
fire walking movement.  He has wrote the book
Extreme Spirituality, Secret key to Empowerment.

Here is a link to some free e-books by Tolly Burkan

"Lets face it once you walk on fire, some of those 
fears will seem a little petty, and insignificant."
I have read where some have tripled their incomes
within a short period of time, after their first walk. 

In India the fire-walking ceremony (Theemithi) is done as part of religious vow in the devotee promises to walk on fire
in exchange for a wish or a blessing
granted by the Goddess  Draupadi.

This link is about the Ceremony Theemithi

Whether you need to make a break through, or are tried
of being in fear.  Fire walking can save you a lot of 
time and money and give you a exhilarating experience.
Within a 4 hour seminar for a $159.00, you have conquered
your fears.

"If the fire has gone out in your life, try walking over it."

Sal Salvadini

"To live is the rarest thing on Earth, most people just exist."
-----Oscar Wilde

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Sometimes a Spiritual Awakening can scare the BeJesus out of You!!!

Greetings from Tucson,

Suppose everything that you were taught to believe as the truth, was all of
a sudden proven to be false.   How would you handle this?

Would you embrace the new truth? Or would you try and hold on to what
you want to be the truth?

  • I think it is somewhat like going through grief
  • Denial 
  • Anger
  • Bargaining
  • Depression 
  • Acceptance

Take my own spiritual awakening, it was something like the picture

On my 27th birthday I started hearing voices. It was like someone turned
on the volume inside my head.  Guess what, I freaked out!!!!
I started running around trying to stop the voices.  Imagine telling people
that you hear voices.  Guess what they put me in the psycho ward.
(The best part of this experience, is that I actually set this up. As a spirit
we get to set up our future lives in advance.  So I am a little crazy?)
You be the judge!!!

Being in the psycho ward, gives one some time to reflect.  I decided I was
not going to tell anyone that I heard voices anymore. I was going to
find the cure myself.   I eventually found the cure and embraced becoming
a psychic medium.  So, now when I hear one of the voices, I usually
just translate and say so and so is saying this...

This weeks Steps Beyond Time "Spiritual Awakening"
is very similar to my own spiritual awakening experience
This episode is the story of the Spiritual Awakening of Rev. Betty's friend
Dr. Ken King.  Dr King is now in spirit and communicates through the
seances that are conducted as part of the Temple of Universality.

Rev. Betty gives Dr. Ken King's background as a clinical psychologist from the
state of Florida.  Rev. Betty explains that Dr. King heard about the power of
the mind, and uses it to heal others. But, when it comes to himself, he is
slow to believe in it.

One day out of desperation, Dr. King performs a internal procedure on himself,
similar to an operation.  After, the operation is successful. Dr. Kings hears two
voices, they are of twin  doctor brothers who introduce themselves as having
helped Dr. King with his own procedure.

This starts to shake Dr. Kings world. He is hearing voices. He has told many
people that these voices are not real.. And now he is hearing them!!
There is much more.

Rev. Betty tells the story much better, but you get the jist.

"I think that the spirit world uses this world as their
television."   Because, some of the stuff that happens is like us
watching a movie.

I wonder what St. Paul thought when he heard the voice of Jesus,
after he fell from the horse.  On second thought, I am going to
ask him?  Next, time I go into the spirit circle and St. Paul comes
through.  I will ask him and report back to you my readers.
This is a promise!!!

Until next week,

Remember, to send good wishes to all your loved ones in the Spirit
world..  Happy Halloween!!

Sal Salvadini

Monday, October 21, 2013

Spiritualist Wonderland

Hello Everyone,

This picture is of Joan of Arc at age 12 in a field meeting St. Michael, St. Catherine and
St. Margaret.  They gave her instructions on driving out the english, and bring the heir
apparent to Rheims for his coronation. She said,"She cried when they left because
they were so beautiful."  This was Joan's first step into Spiritual Wonderland.

Once you are shown spiritual wonderland and everything that it entails it is similar
to the scene in the Matrix
 The amazing part about Spiritualist Wonderland is that it never gets boring.

Todays, blog is about the TV Show Steps Beyond Time # 30
"Spiritualist Wonderland" Celebrating the Spiritualist Movement.

In this episode Rev. Betty gives a reference to the day March 31st, 1848, which
she calls the renting of the veil.  The event Rev. Betty is referring to is the 
Fox sisters in Hydesville NY, this is the event that was first considered to 
be the beginning of modern spiritualism.
. Rev. Betty gives advice against using the Oujia board, it attracts spirits of a
lower vibration.

. Rev. Betty explains that there is more to life than you see in this reality.
Whether you live 6 months or 106 years, it is a small blip, in the scheme
of things. There are many more lives, than just this one.
The soul does not die.  This body is a container or vehicle for our souls
to walk around in on the planet.  After, we shed this physical body we
go back to the other side. The other side is the actual real life.

. Rev Betty talks about a spiritual healer in India. Shree Chakravarti
how she electrified water just by breathing into it.  Rev. Betty witness
flames shoot up out of the bucket.. She tells the story of a man who
was brought to her carried in a blanket by 4 men. This person tells her,
how he is due to get heart surgery in New York.. Shree tells him all
he has is a pinched nerve. Heals him, and he walks away.

. I am looking to make contact with this person,  this healing
happened in 1982 at the Bombay Conference, organized by
Stanlislaus Grof.  If anyone knows this person please, ask
them to contact me.

If you fear what you don't understand, then research it.  Knowledge
is your most important tool in this world.  With it we can do untold
wonders, without it we remain in ignorance.  

"Even old dogs can learn new tricks, it just takes longer."
Sal Salvadini

Monday, October 14, 2013

Your Name links You to Your Destiny

Greetings from Tucson,

Todays topic has been a while in the making.  Is your name a link in creating your destiny?
In the ancient world names were just not identifiers, but were also descriptive of ones character.

Names carry energy and power. The power of the name is built up through time,
through writings, stories and religious ceremonies. All this creates an energy
reservoir of all the cumulated knowledge of everyone who is and who has used
that name.  Your name is a conduit or pathway to this rich reservoir.

One of the earliest examples of this is from the Bible, with Abraham. (Abraham stands for
Father of the multitudes) The Hebrew God, changed his name from Abram (High Father),
to Abraham.  In ancient times names typically changed when a significant event happened,
and the status of the person changed.

Fast forward to the United States in 1861, Abraham Lincoln. He became known as the
Father of the Army and of the North as a whole. In this example Abraham Lincoln
lived up to his name and became a father of the multitudes.

Another example I would like to look at is when the Master Jesus changed Simon's name
to Peter.  Simon name meant (he who has heard) to Peter (the rock).   What was the
reasoning of changing the name, especially by the Metaphysical Master unless it had
real meaning. Did the Master use the ancient power of symbols by renaming Simon?
Did the Master give Simon the name Peter in order to anchor those energies into
the person.  My thought is yes, knowing the Master there was probably more to
that, but for this article, I hear, "Yes is sufficient."

In todays day and age people often chose someones name because they like the way it
sounds. They have no clue of what significance names hold.  By consciously knowing
 what your historical name means can give you an insight to what you are meant to
do in life.
---A  couple of sites for looking up your names meaning:

Knowledge is power, consciously embracing your names meaning creates an
energy pathway, which just like a road.  Connecting you to the energy that
the name has built up.  Allowing you to directly tap into that energy reservoir
so that you can use it, to achieve your goals.

Your first name is usually the main identifier, let us use my name as an example:
Sal Salvadini
Sal = deliverer or rescuer
Salva = wise
Dini = strong in material matters, determined and stubborn.
So my name is a  deliverer of  wise material matters. Which I choose to
believe is what I am doing, by blogging  about this information.

You see, it is how you choose to interpret the information,  it is your belief
in it.  Will allow you to use the power of your name.  I have programed  
into my subconscious that every time Sal Salvadini is said, read or spoken
about, it is reinforcing deliverer of wise material matters to the world.

That's my theory, I am determined to stick by it.. But, I am open to other
peoples take on this. Leave me a comment.

Reference Related articles:
The Power of Your Name by Ariadne Green

The Prophetic Meanings of Hebrew Names by RabbiDaniel

The Power behind Symbols in Reality Creating by TomDeLiso

"Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes."
---Oscar Wilde

So, lets take this as an opportunity to bring new insights into our
lives.  Look up your name, if anything have some fun!!!

Sal Salvadini