Greetings from Tucson,
Metaphysics and spiritualism is growing stronger at this time of the year.
With the end of the years approaching, people want to find out what
is going to happen, in the up coming year of 2014. Here in Tucson, we
will be attending prophecy circles, held by Rev. David Miller of United Fellowship
Chapel who is a direct channel for Dr. Beck of the Spirit world.
This weeks blog started out with a review of the local TV show
Steps Beyond Time 31, "Have No Fear"
Rev. Betty tells her tale of being dragged by a boat (piloted by a beginner) down the
alligator infested St. Johns River in Florida. She is finally rescued 30 minutes later by
a graduating class of Navy Seals. The best part is that Rev. Betty's spirit teacher
Dr. Carlos Blair told her,"You are going to have a nice adventure."
I definitely know the spirit has a sense of humor!
I usually like to do background research about things that Rev. Betty says in
her TV show. To provide a better of understanding of a certain phrase or person
mentioned. This weeks show has totally taken me in a new direction.
The quote "You have nothing to Fear but Fear itself" spoken by Franklin D. Roosevelt
at his first Inaugural Address. Rev. Betty mentions that FDR had known Helena Roerich
the president of the Theosophical Society, and that is where such a metaphysical quote
would had originated from.
There is no doubt in mind that Franklin D. Roosevelt was a Metaphysician, Freemason,
and patriot who saw the Divine Vision of the United States.
But a little digging on my part about where this phrase originated from lead to
different outcome. FDR had his speeches written for him by Columbia University
Professor Raymond Moley. And in that speech particular speech it was seen
by long time confidante Louis Henry McHowe, it was McHowe who added the
phrase "We have nothing to Fear but Fear itself."
Because of FDR's background I am sure he held no objections to saying that phrase.
From my research it seems that FDR was a man who surrounded himself with
very capable people, and was very open minded about many things. He pursued
the affixing of the great seal of one dollar bill, with the symbol of the all seeing
then 33rd Vice-President and mystic Henry Wallace, also a 32 degree freemason like Roosevelt.
In some other time I would love to explore the Freemason connection in our world.
It was Solomon who employed the Masons to build his temple. It was also
George Washington and many of the Founding Fathers of the United States (Freemasons) who helped form the young country.
This is another uncovering that encountered, in 1943 Tehran Conference both FDR & Churchill
were convinced to stay at the Soviet Embassy. The russians said, "the American
Embassy was not safe." Both Churchill and FDR were both poisoned.
Churchill was near death, his life was saved by Sir Alexander Fleming, the discoverer
of penicillin. FDR was extremely ill on his return, and never recovered his strength.
This from the book: "The Strange Death of Franklin D. Roosevelt" by
Emmanuel M. Josephson 1948
This is the question I am asking the Universe (meaning the readers out in the blogasphere)
Does the Hand of God work through the Freemasons?
Todays quote: Today I will live in the moment. Unless it is unpleasant, in
which case, me will eat a cookie."
---Cookie Monster
That's this weeks blog:
"Remember think good thoughts about the Spirit world, they can hear them on the
other side."
Sal Salvadini
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