
Monday, February 24, 2014

Influences of the Spirit World "Miracles of the Congo"

Hello from Tucson, Arizona:

This weeks blog I will be a start of a new series called:
Influences of the Spirit World.  The series is focused primarily
on presenting stories to you, the readers about how the Spirit
World made itself known to someone in the physical and what

We will be focusing this week on the local Tucson Spiritualist
Rev Betty Tatalajski founder of the Temple of Universality, and
it's local TV show called: Steps Beyond Time.

Miracles of the Congo
This is the background of this Show.

Rev. Betty Tatalajski is a psychic/medium who hears and sees spirit. In this
show Rev. Betty tells the story of an Oct 2006 American Clergy Leadership
Conference 120 Nation Peace Tour.  (ACLC for short) was started by Rev.
Sun Myung Moon. The pilgrimage's mission was to visit 120 countries and
to give a peace message that Rev. Moon received from God through the Holy

On the first leg of the trip Rev. Betty is in Nagoya, Japan.  She is visiting a
Buddhist Nittaiji Temple.  This a the temple where a portion of  "Buddha
Sakyamuni " bones are enshrined. (The founder of the Buddhist Faith.)

This was done through Thailand's (Saim's King at the time.)
King Chulalongkorn (The one from the movie "The King & I")
who was portrayed as the prince in that movie.

While at the Temple a basketball size golden sphere appears to Rev. Betty
and tells her to go up to the monks and kneel. After she does this, the golden
sphere appears again and gives her a message to take back to Rev. Moon.
It was a Blessing of the Great Lord Buddha for Rev. Moon. "The whole
Buddhist community in spirit will be following this Peace Tour."

Throughout this show Rev. Betty as she describes the whole journey,
she tells of many times that Spirit has said something, or intervened so
something can be accomplished.

Towards the end of the journey Rev Betty is in Africa in The Democratic
Republic of the Congo. She is given a gift from someone as she is boarding
on a plane.  She has no name of the giver or reference.   She returns back to
Tucson Arizona.  Sometime after she is called by her friend in Phoenix,
saying that he (the friend) has met someone on-line who said he knew Rev.
Betty from Africa.  She asked, "Who and how did this person whose name
is Prosper Kiluba know her.  It was the person who sent the gift to Rev. Betty.

The idea that we as physical being believe in coincidences, from our point
of view it may seem that way.  The spirit world (the world on the other side
of the veil) orchestrates many of the events that seem to be co-incidence.

Every so often the Spirit world likes to makes an appearance. Like the time
Oscar Wilde appeared to a coffee shop and had me write something down.

If you or anyone you know has story of a spirit appearance that you would
like me to share. You can contact me at:

"Sing like no ones listening,
dance like nobodies watching
live like it's Heaven on Earth"
---Mark Twain

Hey, I would take that man's advice, what do you lose,
in my eyes it is a complete gain.

Have a great week and invite spirit into your life!

---Sal Salvadini

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Is The U.S. Government a Modern Day Rome? (Metaphysically Speaking)

Hello From Tucson, Arizona USA

This weeks blog is about the looking at the question: Is the
United States Capital Hill  modeled after the Roman
Capitoline Hill?
Capitoline Hill Ancient Rome

According to Newhouse foundation org:
"Not only did Jefferson and other lawmakers want to meet on a  hill 
symbolic of the hill where Rome's lawmakers met. It is obvious they 
also wanted to honor the Roman Gods of Capitoline Hill."
 Lawmakers were known to have taken their
vows in front of Jupiter who was concerned with oaths, treaties and leagues.

One example: Is that the US capital was designed and built as a temple of the
Goddess of Liberty.

The Statue of Freedom (top of US Capital)
Notice the resemblance to Minevra

Making this observation that the United States is indeed modeled to
be the modern Roman Republic.  Then let us take a look at the spiritual
obligations that play a part in the United States.  Particularly the Oaths of

What is an oath? According to the legal dictionary on-line:
A declaration made according to law, before a competent tribunal or officer,
to tell the truth; or it is the act by which party invokes God not only to witness
the truth and sincerity of his promise, but also to avenge his imposture or
violated faith, to punish perjury.
4. The origin of this oath may be traced back to Roman law.
Minerva, Jupiter & Juno

In Rome Jupiter was the chief god throughout the Republican and Imperial
Eras.  Jupiter negotiates with Numa Pompilius the 2nd King of Rome
to establish the principles of the Roman religion. Jupiter is also responsible
for a witness to oaths, a sacred trust on which justice & good government
depend. Many of his functions where focused on Capital Hill (Capitoline)
He was the central guardian of the state along with Juno/Hera & Minerva/Athena.

Ref: Numa Pompilius 2nd King of Rome

Ref: to Jupiter (also known as Zeus in Ancient Greece)

Likewise George Washington and the other American Patriots were also portrayed
taking an oath before Jupiter.
Jupiter is above George Washington

---With this being established by the founding fathers. I can then with
confidence make this announcement:

Unless a person who is taking an oath
declares to a particular God to be his or her witness,  the God of Spiritual
Witness for the U.S. Government is established and confirmed to be Jupiter.

This weeks blog is about re-establishing the original spirituality that was meant
to guide and protect this country through its growth and stability.

"If you are thinking 1 year ahead plant a seed, if you are thinking 10 years 
ahead plant a tree, if you are thinking 100 years ahead educate the people."
---Chinese Proverb

I look forward to hearing any and all comments!

---Sal Salvadini

Sunday, February 09, 2014

Calling on The Spirits of Valentine's Day

Hello from Tucson Arizona, USA

In honor of Valentines Day, which is a worldwide celebration.
Let me introduce everyone to the 2 main spirits of Valentines Day.
1.The first is the Roman God Cupid (for singles).
2. St. Valentine

Since I am a psychic/medium the message from these 2 is that
one needs to ask them for assistance, to receive a reply.

The Roman God Cupid:
It seems to me that Cupid would like to set the record straight, it seems
that he is a little tried of being depicted as a chubby little boy with a bow
and arrow.  He is a God of stature who can and will respond to all who
request his assistance.  Valentine's Day is only one day, he tells me:
"You can call on him anytime for assistance."

Cupid has 2 types of arrows in his quiver:
1. The golden tipped one (which stands for true love)
2. The lead tipped one (which stands for love of the moment)

If any single person out there is questioning whether the person that 
they are setting their focus on, is the one true love or not? After requesting
Cupid's assistance, a sign will be shown to you. Something either of 
the color Gold or the color Gray will be shown to you.

To Make a Request:

Cupid requests that you write out on piece of paper:
I (your name) ask Cupid if the(person of your focus)
is your true love.  

Then burn the paper 

Cupid's only request is that you tell the story of how he
responded to your request.  

Saint Valentine

The Golden Legend of St. Valentine:

In the 3rd century it was said that Valentinus a priest, defied the order of the
emperor Claudis and secretly married couples so that the husbands would 
not have to go to war. Soldiers were spare at the time so this was big 
inconvenience to the emperor.

During the last weeks of Valentinus's life a remarkable thing happened.
One day the jailer for the Emperor of Rome came knocking on Valentinus's
door holding his blind daughter in his arms. He had learned of Valentinus's
medical and spiritual healing abilities and appealed to Valentinus to treat
his daughter. She had been blind since birth. Valentinus knew that her
condition would be hard to treat, but gave the man his word he would do
his best. The little girl was examined a given ointment for her eyes and a
series of re-visits were scheduled.

Seeing that Valentinus was a man of learning, the jailer asked if his daughter
Julia might be brought to Valentinus for lessons. Julia was a pretty young girl
with a quick mind. Valentinus read stories of Rome's history to her.  He described
the world of nature to her. Taught her arithmetic and told her about God.
She saw the world through his eyes, trusted in his wisdom and found
comfort in his quiet strength.

Valentinus does God really hear our prayers? Julia said one day.
"Yes my child he hears each one," he replied.

Do you know what I pray for each and every morning and every night,
I pray that I may see. I want so much to see everything that you have told
me about.

Several weeks passed and the girl's sight was not restored. Yet the man and his
daughter's  never wavered in their faith and returned each week.

Then one day Valentinus received a visit from Roman soldiers, who arrested him,
destroyed his medicines and admonished him for his religious beliefs. When the
little girl's father learned of his arrest and imprisonment he wanted to intervene,
but there was nothing he could do.

On the eve of his death, Valentinus wrote a last note to Julia-knowing his execution
was imminent.  Valentinus asked the jailer for a paper, pen and ink.  He quickly
jotted a farewell note and handed it to the jailer to give to his daughter. He urged
her to stay close to God, and signed it from your Valentine.  His sentence was
carried out the next day Feb 14, 276 AD, near a gate that is named Porta
Valentini for his memory.

The jailer went home, he was greeted by the little girl.
As the little girl open the note and discovered a crocus ( flower) inside.
The note said from your Valentine, as the little girl looked down on the crocus
in her palm she saw bright colors for the first time in her life. The girls
eyesight was restored! A miracle!

It was said that Julia planted a pink blossomed almond tree near his grave.
Today, the almond tree is a symbol of abiding love and friendship. In 496
Pope Gelasius I named February 14 as Saint Valentine's Day.

I asked St. Valentine what he wanted me to write:  He replied:
That he did not want to be limited to just one thing.  Some of his
areas are in marriage, love and devotion, true friendship and Healing.
Just to name a few, but not limited to.

(Anyone can make a request) 
You can always make a request to St. Valentine:

By writing your request on paper and lighting a yellow
or pink candle next to it.

Thanking God, for his assistance.

To give everyone a little background of what it is to work with Spirit 
and the Spirit World.. For me, it is like going to Disneyland.

That's this weeks blog: 
Please post a comment if Cupid answers your requests.
I'd love to share your story with others.

Sal Salvadini

"All truth pass through 3 stages:
First it is ridiculed.
Then it is violently attacked,
finally it is held to be self evident."


Sunday, February 02, 2014

Nelson Mandela Speaks from the Spirit World

Nelson Mandela
Hello from Tucson Arizona USA,

This weeks blog post talks what happened in a Spiritualist Trance Circle
the Friday night before Nelson Mandela's burial.  Nelson Mandela introduced
himself to Rev. Betty Tatalajski (founder of the Temple of Universality) and
the group.  He said, "Dr. Moon (good friend) was the first person to meet him
on the other side and took him the meet  Sanat Kumura "The Ancient of Days."


Here in Tucson Rev. Kristine Fossetti of the Temple of Universality is
a trance medium who holds circles twice a month on Friday evenings.
(This is similar to what would be called a seance).  The Temple of
Universality is a Spiritualist church that was founded on the premise
that there is truth in all religions. With that in mind: In Rev. Kristine's
circles it is always a who's who of the Spirit world that stops by to
Say Hello and Speak.

Ref to Trance Medium (First Spiritualist Church)

On Friday December 13th, 2013 the spirit of Nelson Mandela stepped
forth through Rev. Kristine Fossetti and spoke to Rev. Betty Tatalajski
to tell her that he was met in the Spirit World by his long time friend
Dr. Moon.  Dr Moon took Mr. Mandela to meet Sanat Kumura in the
Spirit world, known as The Ancient of Days in the Bible. Sanat Kumura
is the spirit sponsor of the Temple of Universality.  Nelson Mandela was
happy to tell Rev. Betty that he did not need to apply for membership
to the Temple.  He had already received it from Sanat Kumura.
Sanat Kumura
The Ancient of Days

Ref: To Who Sanat Kumura Is:

The local Tucson TV Show "Steps Beyond Time" Nelson Mandela
speaks from the Spirit World, explains the whole story on that Friday 13,

This show gives humanity information of some of the projects that the
Spirit World is working on to improve this Physical World. With a list
of many Humanitarians and World Leaders who are a part of this effort.
Some of the projects:
1. Peace for the Middle East
2. Reunification of Korea

Also the emphasis of the law: One must ask before he can receive.
There are people of influence standing around in the Spirit World waiting
for people to ask.  Read my blog: Finding the Perfect Teacher (In Spirit Realms)

To find out about the Temple of Universality here in Tucson:

Ref: Dr. Moon

The fun part about being a spiritualist and a member of the Temple of Universality
is that we meet and speak to people of the Spirit World.  We are given a ticket
that allows us to speak to anyone in the spirit world, ask anyone a question and
receive the answer.

That's this weeks blog:

Sal Salvadini

"Choose a Job that you Love, and you will never Work a day
in your Life"