
Monday, April 28, 2014

Spiritualism the Underlying Link to all Great Religions

Hello From Sunny Tucson Arizona, USA.

This weeks blog is about Spiritualism as being the root or underlying
link to all great religions.  Spirit is the flowing substance
of God, the gift of Spirit that is common in all great religions. Is the
communication of a divine being to a messenger (prophecy).

There are many different planes of spirit, there are the lower
planes,( the ones that are closest to the earth.) There are also the
higher ones. We will be focusing on the higher ones as a
topic of discussion in this blog.

Is a process that one or more messages is communicated to a
prophet, and then communicated to others. Such messages
usually involve divine knowledge.  Various concepts of
prophecy are found throughout the worlds religions.

Ref: wikipedia

Let us take a look at the Religions and their Prophets:

Judaism: Elijah the Boldest of the Prophets of Yahweh

Elijah challenged 450 prophets of Baal and 400 prophets
of Asherah to a showdown at Mount Carmel.
After winning Elijah had the 850 false prophets killed.
Elijah did not die, Yahweh sent chariots and horses of
fire that took Elijah up to heaven in a whirlwind.

Christianity: The conversation of Saul on the road to Damascus
Jesus appears to Saul on the road, a light from Heaven flashed about him.
He fell to the ground and heard Saul, Saul why do you persecute me?

You can read my blog about St. Paul communicating in the seance
circle responding to my question.

Kwan Yin the Buddhist Goddess of Mercy, Bodhisattva of Compassion
Kwan Yin embodiment was that of a Chinese princess Miao-shan
who lived about 700 B.C.
Kwan Yin names stands for "Observing the Cries of Humanity"
A bodhisattva is one who is destined to become a buddha and legend
states she was journeying into heaven and was about to cross over into
heaven when she heard the cries of suffering from the world below.
Filled with compassion, she returned to earth, vowing never to leave
till such time as all suffering is ended.

The founder of Islam, born 570 CE (christian era) at the age of 40
Muhhammad  is visited by the Angel Gabriel in the cave.

According to the story before he became a prophet, he used to go to a cave
and meditate.  There at the cave around the age of 40, he was visited by the
Angel Gabriel. The Angel in the form of a man had a cloth & a book with
him. He asked Muhammad to read the book. Muhammed replied, "I can 
not read."  The Angel hugged him, and asked him again to read.  This 
happened 3x. After the 3rd time, the Angel Gabriel gave Muhammed the
the 1st verse of the Noble Quran.

The founder of Mormonism is Joseph Smith Jr. in the 1820's. Smith was directed 
by an angel to find buried Golden Plates which the Book of Mormon is translated
Joseph Smith's 1st

In the 1820's Joseph Smith reported having several angelic visitations. 

The SunFlower is the
Symbol of Spiritualism

"As the Sunflower turns its face towards the  light of the sun,
so Spiritualism turns the face of humanity towards the truth."

The spiritualism movement today is the movement of the people, 
in both the physical & spirit world working together in unison.
The goal is using the view from the spirit world and the hands 
and feet of the physical, in direct communication & understanding
with each other, so this world can be steered into the Light of Truth.

It is the actual graduation of humanity, where instead of God being
the driving force. God is now on the passenger side there,
to help make corrections or in an emergency grabbing the steering

---Sal Salvadini

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were
to live forever."
----Mahatma Gandhi

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

You Could Be a Spiritualist, and Not Know it!!

Hello from Sunny & Hot Tucson Arizona, USA.

This weeks blog looks at the 7 Principles of Spiritualism, if you find yourself
agreeing with the 7 principles you maybe spiritualist, or at the least a
spiritualist supporter. To be a spiritualist supporter does not mean
one needs to give up their religion. It just means you agree
with the stated principles.

The medium who gave the world these principles was the Mother of Modern
Spiritualism Emma Hardinge Britten.  She was given the 7 principles from
the spirit of Robert Owen in 1871.

Robert Owen (1771-1858)

The 7 Principles of Spiritualism

1. Fatherhood of God

"The Spirit Of God" exist within and around everything. It is within all
of us, we are all the children of God, so we are part of one family. We
acknowledge God as our Father.

2. Brotherhood of Man
The operation of true brotherhood throughout the world, would create b
betterment to the lives of the many, bringing equality, security & peace.
Spiritualist try to understand the needs of others and help all people
regardless of race, color and creed.

3. Communication of Spirits and the Ministry of Angels

Communication with divine energy is a natural and essential
par of existence. Communication with Spirit itself and its creations
is an inbuilt ability. Spiritualists use this ability for communication
directly or via medium, between those in the spirit world and ourselves.

Ministry of the Angels brings enhanced wisdom to enlighten the individual,
society and the world in which we live. This includes those who are
dedicated to the welfare and service of mankind bringing inspiration
guidance and healing.

4.Continued Existence of the Human Soul

Spirit is part of the creative force and thus indestructible. Energy can Not be
destroyed it only changes it form. After death the physical body is left
behind. While the soul continues to existence in a different dimension
that we call the spirit world. The individual personality continues unchanged
by the event we call death.

5. Personal Responsibility
God has given us enormous potential to improve our own lives and the lives
of others. We have the ability to make decision throughout our lives as we see
fit. What each of us makes our lives is a personal responsibility, no one can
replace or override that right. No other person or influence can put right our
wrong doings.

6. Compensation & Retribution Hereafter for all the Good & Evil 

Things done on Earth.
The  natural law of "Cause & Effect." The law operates on the earth plane
as well as in the spirit world. As we move through life making choices,
the outcome of those choices affects our soul growth. When we leave
this earthly life, there will be no divine judgement. We will have time
to reassess take stock and decide what we might have done differently.

7. Eternal Process open to every Human Soul
Any action, or intent to change, to promote soul growth and progression,
creates a positive reaction. There is always an opportunity to develop and
move forward, no one is ever deprived of the all embracing love of God.

Taken from the Spiritualist National Union UK

My 2 favorite principles is the communication of Spirits and the
Ministry of Angels.  I feel the problem in todays world of Spiritualism
is that everyone is leaving out the Angelic Ministry.  (I believe in
sharing the work load, lets allow our angelic friends to work and
help us.)

Compensation & Retribution Hereafter:  no one gets away with
anything, and nothing goes unnoticed.  (Love it!!)

"So are you a closet Spiritualist?  When your ready, you will come out!"
---Sal Salvadini

" Learn from Yesterday, Live for Today, Hope for Tomorrow.
The important thing is not to stop questioning."
---Albert Einstein

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Andrew Jackson Davis (Pursuits in Higher Spiritualism) Part III

Hello from Tucson Arizona, USA

This weeks blog is about the man some say is known as "John the Baptist
of Spiritualism."  Andrew Jackson Davis  showed early signs of clairvoyance
hearing spirit voices.  A young man of little formal education, who experienced
a changing event that lead to a great mental illumination.  Leading to Davis
publishing over 30 books and obtaining a medical degree later in his life.

The Changing Event
On the evening of March 6th, 1844 Davis was overcome by some power which
transported him from Poughkeepsie NY to the Catskill Mts some 40 miles away.
Upon becoming fully conscious the next morning, he meets 2 distinguished
people: The Great Greek Physician Galen and the Swedish seer Emanuel

Galen (The Greatest Physician of The Roman Empire)

Whereas Hippocrates laid the foundation of Greek Medicine,
Galen further developed its theory & practice, and carried
Greco-Roman medicine to its zenith.

Galen was overseen by the Greek Healing God Asclepius
(The God of Medicine).

Galen was an author of over 80 medical treaties, Galen developed
a system of Galenic Degrees, which enabled physicians and
pharmacists to gauge more precisely the effects of a medicinal

Emanuel Swedenborg (The Father of Knowledge of Spiritual Matters)

Swedenborg had a visitation from the Lord who told him: He was
chosen to reveal the spiritual meaning of the bible.

Read about Emanuel Swedenborg's experience in my blog:

After meeting these 2 people from the spirit realms, Andrew Jackson
Davis is able to be placed in a hypnotic trance state and is able to
dictate books:

  1. The Principles in Nature  (1847)
  2. The Great Harmonia  6 vol. encyclopedia (1850-1861)
In his autobiography "The Magic Staff" Davis tells that it was

Emanuel Swedenborg who was dictating these books through him.

Andrew Jackson Davis was also able to diagnose and prescribe cures
using natural medicines and herbs similar to of the Physician Galen.

Some of Davis' Contributions:
He predicted the existence of Neptune & Pluto before their discovery.
Many other scientific laws before there discovery.

Coined the place called Summerland: Where he had seen his
mother go to after she left the earth plane.

According to Dr. John DeSalvo: Andrew Jackson Davis gave
Abraham Lincoln several seances during the civil war.

Andrew Jackson Davis is first to have coined the term "Law of Attraction."

---As a blogger I pose this question to the Spirit World through
you my readers:
 When will the Spirit World again start revealing
(Higher Truths and Understandings) through chosen mediums?

If anyone gets the answer, please leave a comment.

----Sal Salvadini

"Success is a science, if you have the conditions,
you get the results."
---Oscar Wilde

Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Nettie Colburn Maynard Medium gives seances at the White House

Greetings from Tucson Arizona USA,

Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction,
This weeks blog tells the story of the 16th President of the United States
Abraham Lincoln receiving spirit guidance through the mediumship of
Nettie Colburn Maynard holding seances at the White House.

There is a book written: Was Abraham Lincoln a Spiritualist"
by Nettie Colburn Maynard.  In chapter VII of this book it tells
the story of President Lincoln being advised by the spirit world
on the Emancipation Proclamation that is to be the crowning effort
of his administration and his life.

link to this book:


Here in Tucson being part of the Temple of Universality a spiritualist church
we conduct seances.  Rev. Hoyt Robinette a physical phenomena trumpet
medium visits The Temple and gives trumpet seances.  The video is from
Rev. Betty Tatalajski the (Temple Founder) where Abraham Lincoln comes
through from the spirit world to tell Rev. Betty about seances in the White
House.  This reading is from Feb 13, 2014.

Setting the Stage

Picture yourself in a pitch dark room, sitting with the medium
and hearing voices that come out of a trumpet.
Rev. Hoyt Robinette with his Trumpet
It is a device that allows the spirit world and ourselves to communicate
with each other.

In one of my previous blogs I write about Cora Hatch who was the
medium for Ulysses S. Grant the 18th President of the United States.

In present day we use satellites and computers to get our information, back
in the 1800's they consulted mediums and the spirit world to make decisions.
I wonder which way is better?

You be the judge, I already have my own opinion.. (My way is a lot cheaper)

That's this weeks blog:
"When in doubt call out, ask God to send you the answer"
---Sal Salvadini

"Truth is Stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to
stick to possibilities; the Truth isn't."
----Mark Twain