
Sunday, December 08, 2013

(Free Downloads) Channeled Lectures Metaphysics 101

Metaphysics Lab

Greetings from Tucson,

Todays blog is an introduction of 54 FREE downloads of Metaphysical
Lectures channeled by Dr. Robert Ireland's mediumship of an advanced
teacher named Dr. Carlos Blair.  I will just mention a few topics.
1. Here and Now, Applying your Talents
2. Thoughts are Real things
3. Predestination
4. How To Be A Better Listener (Awareness is the ability enhanced)
If your interested in the whole story, read more. Either way here is the link.

The Story:
In order to properly tell this story, allow me to set the stage.  Tucson Arizona, USA 
the 1980's.  A very small church, the size of a cottage, with pews.  A very talented
medium named Dr. Robert Ireland, (who is now also, working in Spirit)
the brother of the very famous medium Dr. Richard Ireland.

This is a Youtube link to Richard Ireland on the Steve Allen Show

Dr. Ireland would with the blindfold on, walk up and down the aisles, stand in front of the

person who wrote the question and answer it.  Dr. Ireland was in contact with his       Dr.Teacher. (Dr. of Philosophy)

Their job is to work with you, to give you directions in the physical 
incarnation. Dr. Ireland's Dr. Teacher at this time was Dr. Carlos Blair.
Dr. Carlos Blair

Dr. Blair opened every class with the statement:" It is indeed a pleasure to have this 
opportunity to manifest in this manner." Dr.Blair would also joke and tell everyone
"if you haven't noticed by now, I am a little bit english." Dr. Blair would present 
metaphysical topics, that are all true and indeed valid in this day and age.  "The Truth
never gets old or goes out of fashion." 

Dr. Blair had a time limit of 30 minutes to use Dr. Ireland's body, Dr. Blair speaks

about someone called "The Rock", a nickname that Dr. Blair had given to Robert 

Ireland's Indian protector." Rollin Stone." Rollin Stone would start coming around
near the end of the lecture, so Dr. Blair did not overstay his allotted time.
Dr. Blair not only gave lectures, he also opened the floor to questions about the topic of 
the evening.  If all the questions were answered regarding the spoken topic, Dr. Blair would
start answering questions of a more personal nature.

The Official Website for the Dr. Blair lectures is at Raise The Pond.

The site says these audios are to shared made available to friends, family,
co-worker or anyone else you see fit.

I myself was first introduced and given 25 Dr. Blair lectures on CD.
I have found that when I drive on long journeys I pop a CD in and
listen to Dr. Blair.

Just doing my part to spread the word.   Send a comment back 
if you liked what you listened to.


Sal Salvadini

"There is always something beautiful to be found if you look for it."
-----White Eagle

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