
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

St. Paul replies from the Spirit World!

Greetings from Tucson,

As spiritualist and a member of the Temple of Universality here in Tucson, AZ.
We believe that truth can be found in all religions.  Whether it is Gandhi, Buddha
Rev. Martin Luther King or Rev Moon. I am fascinated by people who have
created history and shaped our world.

Here at the Temple of Universality, it is a privilege to be able to attend something
called a trance circle. (Trance circle is where Spirits from the other side of the veil
can carry on conversations with us in the physical. The spirits speak through a
medium who is in trance.) Rev. Kristine Fossetti is a trance medium who conducts
them 2x a month.

In a previous blog called "Sometimes a Spiritual Awakening can scare the BeJesus
out of you!!" I wrote: I wonder what St. Paul thought when he heard the voice of
Jesus after he fell from the horse?  On second thought I am going to ask him
next time I attend a trance circle, and report back to you my readers.

I spoke to Rev. Betty Tatalajski who attends the trance circles and asked her if St. Paul
comes in to ask him for me.

This is what Rev. Betty reported back:

St. Paul indeed come in through the circle and he spoke for a while. Then he started
telling Rev. Betty what happen him on that day on the road to Damascus.  Rev. Betty
said, "I did not not have to ask the question, St. Paul already knew."

This is what was said by St. Paul in spirit "When Jesus appeared to me, it scared me!
I fell off my horse. I thought the christians were going to kill me!"
(This is one where it scared the Jesus in and not out of someone.)

The fact that the bible never states that Jesus appeared to him, only about a light
from heaven.  Makes me wonder what else has been lost in translation?
Acts 9

He also said, "You know I am Lord Hilarion now."

St. Paul had taken another embodiment of Saint Hilarion in 290 A.D.
He was canonized by the Catholic Church and is today known as the founder of the anchorite life, having originated in Palestine.

To this day known anchorites devote themselves to lives of seclusion and pray. It is said that St. Hilarion ascended at the close of that embodiment.
Ref.  The Hearts Community Center

St. Paul now communicates to us through the personality known as the ascended master Lord Hilarion.   As Lord Hilarion, he is in charge of
the 5th ray, the green ray of truth. science, vision & prosperity.
Lord Hilarion works closely with Arch Angel Raphael, on the this ray.
Read about at:

I have had the privilege to listen and speak to some of the great people of our time
through the trance circle.  For me, it is mind blowing!!!
Read about some of the people I have heard from in Spirit

If you had a chance to ask anyone in history a question, Who would it be?
What question would you ask?

Leave me a comment with your answers. Spirit knows, I may get a opportunity
to ask your question and have it answered

"Be yourself everyone is taken"
---Oscar Wilde

That's this weeks blog.  Have an amazing week! I know I will!

In Spirit,
Sal Salvadini

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