
Monday, November 25, 2013

You Can Run, But You Can NOT Escape KARMA

 Theagenes of Thasos

Greetings from Tucson,

This a story that recounts an amazing rise of a Greek God, yet he could not be
considered a God until he completed his Karma.    Theagenes was said to be the
son of Herakles (Hercules).  At age 9, Theagenes walking through the town
is said to have ripped a bronze statue of one of the gods of Agora  off its base and carried it
home.  Instead of the penalty of death, one of the town's elders decided that Theagenes
for punishment, he was to carry and put the statue back.  This causing the boys fame to
spread throughout Greece. (The Karma begins.)

Theagenes grew up to be an Olympic champion in boxing and pankration (boxing and wrestling
with no rules) and gained great fame for himself and his homeland Thasos.   After his death
a statue of Theagenes was erected in his honor.

It seemed that a former opponent of Theagenes who never won against him, came to the
statue every night and beat it.  With the theory that Theagenes would feel this on the
other side.  One night durning the customary beating of the statue it came loose, and fell
on the man and killed him.   Apparently, that theory was correct and indeed Theagenes
did feel and sense the nightly beating and finally had enough of it. So, he  had his statue fall    
on the former opponent thus freeing himself from that ritual.

(The Karma returns)
This act was considered murder by the greeks, not an accident.   The man's children wanted
the statue prosecuted for the murder. Apparently, the trial did not go well for Theagenes.
According to Greek law at the time, written by Draco.
The punishment was exile, the Thasians removed the statue and dropped in the ocean.

Shortly after the Theagenes statue exile, a severe drought broke out on the island of Thasos.
No crops were growing.  The Thasians sent an envoy to the great Oracle of Delphi.
Who told the Thasians "To welcome back all exiles." Which the Thasians did.
But, still no relief from the drought and famine. The rulers again sent an envoy to
the Oracle, it is then that Pythia reminded them that the Theagenes  statue lay at
the bottom of the sea. They needed to retrieve it back. 

Amazingly, while they were trying to figure out how to do exactly that.
Some fisherman apparently caught the statue in their net and brought it ashore.
They set the statue back in its former place, the drought and famine was released
and Theagenes became known as the Healing-God.  Given the sacrifices and offerings
of a god.

This account was given to us from Pausanias (AD 110-AD 180)
A Greek traveler and geographer. He is famous for his description 
of Ancient Greece. Known for his first hand observations, known for
his unquestionable honesty.

It has been an honor for myself to research these great persons
of antiquity. Just, by reading about them, and getting a sense
of their lives, enriches my life here on this earth.

It is my hope, that you may have a similar experience!

"How people treat you is their karma, how you react is yours."
----Wayne Dyer

Remember to be mindful of your thoughts, actions and deeds. They will
return to you, aim for the highest good!

Sal Salvadini

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Have No Fear

Greetings from Tucson,

 Metaphysics and spiritualism is growing stronger at this time of the year.
With the end of the years approaching, people want to find out what
 is going to happen, in the up coming year of 2014.  Here in Tucson, we
will be attending prophecy circles, held by Rev. David Miller of United Fellowship
Chapel who is a direct channel for Dr. Beck of the Spirit world.

This weeks blog started out with a review of the local TV show
Steps Beyond Time 31, "Have No Fear"

Rev. Betty tells her tale of being dragged by a boat (piloted by a beginner) down the
alligator infested St. Johns River in Florida. She is finally rescued 30 minutes later by
a graduating class of Navy Seals. The best part is that Rev. Betty's spirit teacher
Dr. Carlos Blair told her,"You are going to have a nice adventure."
I definitely know the spirit has a sense of humor!

I usually like to do  background research about things that Rev. Betty says in
her TV show.  To provide a better of understanding of a certain phrase or person
mentioned. This weeks show has totally taken me in a new direction.

The quote "You have nothing to Fear but Fear itself" spoken by Franklin D. Roosevelt
at his first Inaugural Address.  Rev. Betty mentions that FDR had known Helena Roerich
the president of the Theosophical Society, and that is where such a metaphysical quote
would had originated from.

There is no doubt in mind that Franklin D. Roosevelt was a Metaphysician, Freemason,
and patriot who saw the Divine Vision of the United States.

But a little digging on my part about where this phrase originated from lead to 
different outcome.  FDR had his speeches written for him by Columbia University
Professor Raymond Moley.  And in that speech particular speech it was seen
by long time confidante Louis Henry McHowe, it was McHowe who added the
phrase "We have nothing to Fear but Fear itself."
Because of FDR's background I am sure he held no objections to saying that phrase.

From my research it seems that FDR was a man who surrounded himself with
very capable people, and was very open minded about many things. He pursued
the affixing of the great seal of one dollar bill, with the symbol of the all seeing 
eye which the symbol of god in freemasonry. Brought to Roosevelt's  attention by the 
then 33rd Vice-President and mystic Henry Wallace, also a 32 degree freemason like Roosevelt.

In some other time I would love to explore the Freemason connection in our world.
It was Solomon who employed the Masons to build his temple. It was also
George Washington and many of the Founding Fathers of the United States (Freemasons) who helped form the young country. 

 Another little tidbit is that FDR and Winston Churchill were both Freemasons.
This is another uncovering that encountered, in 1943 Tehran Conference both FDR & Churchill
were convinced to stay at the Soviet Embassy. The russians said, "the American
Embassy was not safe."  Both Churchill and FDR were both poisoned.
Churchill was near death, his life was saved by Sir Alexander Fleming, the discoverer
of penicillin.  FDR was extremely ill on his return, and never recovered his strength.

This from the book: "The Strange Death of Franklin D. Roosevelt" by
Emmanuel M. Josephson 1948


This is the question I am asking the Universe (meaning the readers out in the blogasphere)
Does the Hand of God work through the Freemasons?

Todays quote: Today I will live in the moment. Unless it is unpleasant, in
which case, me will eat a cookie."
---Cookie Monster

 That's this weeks blog:

"Remember think good thoughts about the Spirit world, they can hear them on the
other side."

Sal Salvadini

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

St. Paul replies from the Spirit World!

Greetings from Tucson,

As spiritualist and a member of the Temple of Universality here in Tucson, AZ.
We believe that truth can be found in all religions.  Whether it is Gandhi, Buddha
Rev. Martin Luther King or Rev Moon. I am fascinated by people who have
created history and shaped our world.

Here at the Temple of Universality, it is a privilege to be able to attend something
called a trance circle. (Trance circle is where Spirits from the other side of the veil
can carry on conversations with us in the physical. The spirits speak through a
medium who is in trance.) Rev. Kristine Fossetti is a trance medium who conducts
them 2x a month.

In a previous blog called "Sometimes a Spiritual Awakening can scare the BeJesus
out of you!!" I wrote: I wonder what St. Paul thought when he heard the voice of
Jesus after he fell from the horse?  On second thought I am going to ask him
next time I attend a trance circle, and report back to you my readers.

I spoke to Rev. Betty Tatalajski who attends the trance circles and asked her if St. Paul
comes in to ask him for me.

This is what Rev. Betty reported back:

St. Paul indeed come in through the circle and he spoke for a while. Then he started
telling Rev. Betty what happen him on that day on the road to Damascus.  Rev. Betty
said, "I did not not have to ask the question, St. Paul already knew."

This is what was said by St. Paul in spirit "When Jesus appeared to me, it scared me!
I fell off my horse. I thought the christians were going to kill me!"
(This is one where it scared the Jesus in and not out of someone.)

The fact that the bible never states that Jesus appeared to him, only about a light
from heaven.  Makes me wonder what else has been lost in translation?
Acts 9

He also said, "You know I am Lord Hilarion now."

St. Paul had taken another embodiment of Saint Hilarion in 290 A.D.
He was canonized by the Catholic Church and is today known as the founder of the anchorite life, having originated in Palestine.

To this day known anchorites devote themselves to lives of seclusion and pray. It is said that St. Hilarion ascended at the close of that embodiment.
Ref.  The Hearts Community Center

St. Paul now communicates to us through the personality known as the ascended master Lord Hilarion.   As Lord Hilarion, he is in charge of
the 5th ray, the green ray of truth. science, vision & prosperity.
Lord Hilarion works closely with Arch Angel Raphael, on the this ray.
Read about at:

I have had the privilege to listen and speak to some of the great people of our time
through the trance circle.  For me, it is mind blowing!!!
Read about some of the people I have heard from in Spirit

If you had a chance to ask anyone in history a question, Who would it be?
What question would you ask?

Leave me a comment with your answers. Spirit knows, I may get a opportunity
to ask your question and have it answered

"Be yourself everyone is taken"
---Oscar Wilde

That's this weeks blog.  Have an amazing week! I know I will!

In Spirit,
Sal Salvadini

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Fire Walking Instant Enlightenment

Greetings from Tucson!

This weeks blog was supposed to be a review of Steps Beyond Time #41, 
"FireWalking Instant Enlightenment."  But, due to technical glitch I do 
not have the link for the show, at this time.
Steps Beyond Time is a local Cable TV show, of The Temple of Universality.

Basically Rev. Betty Tatalajski tells the story of her 2 year old granddaughter
walking on hot fresh laid asphalt in the hot summer Tucson sun. Rev.
Betty hears from spirit not to be in fear and certainly do not project any to 
her granddaughter, for it could severely harm her.

Her granddaughter's feet were perfectly cool after she found her. This innocent
child knew no fear to step on the hot asphalt, she was preoccupied with something

Writing this, I am reminded about the story of St. Peter who is walking on water.
St. Peter walks on the top of water as long as he is focused on the masters eyes.
As soon as he looks away, and realizes he is walking on water, he falls in.
The key is to stay focused on the goal, not to lose sight.

After, the incident with her granddaughter Rev. Betty
talks about meeting someone named Tolly Burkan  
Tolly Burkan
founder of the Firewalking Institute
the founder of the Firewalking Institute.  Rev. Betty
walks on fire.  

From my research it seems that fire walking is a big 
thing in corporate events now.  There are major 
corporations AT&T, Mircosoft, Coca cola to name 
a few.  Use firewalk seminars to inspire their
managers to break through mental barriers.
Tolly Burkan is known to the father of the global
fire walking movement.  He has wrote the book
Extreme Spirituality, Secret key to Empowerment.

Here is a link to some free e-books by Tolly Burkan

"Lets face it once you walk on fire, some of those 
fears will seem a little petty, and insignificant."
I have read where some have tripled their incomes
within a short period of time, after their first walk. 

In India the fire-walking ceremony (Theemithi) is done as part of religious vow in the devotee promises to walk on fire
in exchange for a wish or a blessing
granted by the Goddess  Draupadi.

This link is about the Ceremony Theemithi

Whether you need to make a break through, or are tried
of being in fear.  Fire walking can save you a lot of 
time and money and give you a exhilarating experience.
Within a 4 hour seminar for a $159.00, you have conquered
your fears.

"If the fire has gone out in your life, try walking over it."

Sal Salvadini

"To live is the rarest thing on Earth, most people just exist."
-----Oscar Wilde