
Sunday, January 18, 2015

How to Get a Spirit Guide Helper

Hello from Tucson Arizona USA,

So, you don't have a spirit guide helper yet. You have come
to the right place.  In this blog, I will give you ideas about
what spirit guide helpers can and will do for you.  Also, I
give you step by step instructions in order to properly and
safely get your own spirit guide helper.

Recently, a  fellow psychic friend on facebook posted that
he was on line and waiting for $25.00 US lottery tickets for
a traveling broadway show.  He said, "that he wasn't called."
I commented, "send you Spirit Guide Helper to get you a place!"
This is what prompted me to write this blog.

This blog is not a theory about Spirit Guide Helpers, I have
and personally work with my Spirit Guide Helper at present.

What is a Spirit Guide Helper                                                      

He or she is a spirit being that agrees to work with you for
a particular time frame in certain areas of life. They volunteer
for this assignment in order to advance themselves by doing
this type of service.   They have access to your information
on the other side (spirit world).  So, they pretty much
know everything about you.

"I like to think of them as your personal assistant/liason
to working with the psychic/spirit world."

They are not your servants, they are here to work with you.
Please treat with respect or they will leave you.

While attending a Psychic School in the Berkeley CA area,
I was given a Spirit Guide Helper in one of my classes.  This
was my first introduction to working with the Spirit World.

All I had to do was ask him by name to do a task.

According to Rev. Betty Tatalajski of the Temple of Universality
Tucson, Arizona.
"The commission is in their name. You must speak their
name in order for them to help you."

Some of the things that my Spirit Guide Helper did with me
at Berkeley.

. Found parking spaces for me
. Gave me psychic healings
. Gave my friends psychic healings
. Found me jobs
. Found me introductions to people
. Got me lottery ticket to the show "Wicked"
. Moving toxic people out your life.
. Helping you find good deals at stores.

These are just a few of the things that my Spirit Guide Helper
did for me. Use your imagination to work with your own
Spirit Guide Helper.

Step By Step Instructions

1st.  You need to be prepared. A little reading about
Your Band of Guides usually helps you become
acquainted with your Spirit Guides and their functions.

2nd.  Find a quiet place where no one can bother you.
Set up 2 chairs, facing each other.  One for you, and
other for your Doctor/Teacher.

3rd. Place protection around the room.  (A Good Protection
Prayer should be said, and visualize the room being
filled with an Archangel Michael blue energy.)

If you don't have a prayer, this is a good one:
"The Light of God Surrounds Us
  The Love of God Enfolds Us
  The Power of God Protects Us
  The Presence of God Watches over Us
   Wherever we are, God is."                                              

4th.  Sit in the chair and ground yourself into the
earth. Either through your feet or sending a line
of energy down from your tailbone to the center
of the earth.

Set the intention that you are going to met your
Dr/Teacher in this meditation.  By setting this                
intention you are calling your Dr/Teacher to
sit in the chair across from you.

Once, this is done. Try to get a sense of their
presence, seeing or feeling.  It is fine if you
don't get any sensations.  Just start using
your imagination.  Imagine what they look
like, what type of clothes they are wearing
from what period of time, etc.

Introduce yourself to them, ask them for their
name.  Get an idea of what they are saying.
It may be a picture (worth a thousand words)
an idea or even a voice.

Explain to them, that the reason you have called
on them, is that you would like to be assigned a
Spirit Guide Helper that you can work with.
You know that they can find the right person
for the job.

See what their response is:

If no response is received, then give instructions
that you would like to meet your Spirit Guide Helper
in some way that you will know they are with you.
Example: In a dream, or even perhaps  through songs
on  the radio, if you hear the same name 3x in that day
then it is your Guides name.

Thank your Dr/Teacher for coming and let them know
you look forward to having more conversations with
them in the future.

Congratulations, you will soon have a Spirit Guide
Helper to work with, play with and become aware
of the Spirit World with!

"It is my hopes that you will have much fun with
your Spirit Guide Helper, and then share this with
your friends!"

----Sal Salvadini

After a 2 year sabbatical from giving Psychic Messages
I am looking to return to practice.  To sharpen my
psychic awareness and practice, I am offering for a
short period of time: Free readings via e-mail
to any questions you may have on any subject.

Send your questions to:
Place in the subject line: "Free Reading"

"It matters not how slowly you go so long as you do not stop."

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