
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Is The U.S. Government a Modern Day Rome? (Metaphysically Speaking)

Hello From Tucson, Arizona USA

This weeks blog is about the looking at the question: Is the
United States Capital Hill  modeled after the Roman
Capitoline Hill?
Capitoline Hill Ancient Rome

According to Newhouse foundation org:
"Not only did Jefferson and other lawmakers want to meet on a  hill 
symbolic of the hill where Rome's lawmakers met. It is obvious they 
also wanted to honor the Roman Gods of Capitoline Hill."
 Lawmakers were known to have taken their
vows in front of Jupiter who was concerned with oaths, treaties and leagues.

One example: Is that the US capital was designed and built as a temple of the
Goddess of Liberty.

The Statue of Freedom (top of US Capital)
Notice the resemblance to Minevra

Making this observation that the United States is indeed modeled to
be the modern Roman Republic.  Then let us take a look at the spiritual
obligations that play a part in the United States.  Particularly the Oaths of

What is an oath? According to the legal dictionary on-line:
A declaration made according to law, before a competent tribunal or officer,
to tell the truth; or it is the act by which party invokes God not only to witness
the truth and sincerity of his promise, but also to avenge his imposture or
violated faith, to punish perjury.
4. The origin of this oath may be traced back to Roman law.
Minerva, Jupiter & Juno

In Rome Jupiter was the chief god throughout the Republican and Imperial
Eras.  Jupiter negotiates with Numa Pompilius the 2nd King of Rome
to establish the principles of the Roman religion. Jupiter is also responsible
for a witness to oaths, a sacred trust on which justice & good government
depend. Many of his functions where focused on Capital Hill (Capitoline)
He was the central guardian of the state along with Juno/Hera & Minerva/Athena.

Ref: Numa Pompilius 2nd King of Rome

Ref: to Jupiter (also known as Zeus in Ancient Greece)

Likewise George Washington and the other American Patriots were also portrayed
taking an oath before Jupiter.
Jupiter is above George Washington

---With this being established by the founding fathers. I can then with
confidence make this announcement:

Unless a person who is taking an oath
declares to a particular God to be his or her witness,  the God of Spiritual
Witness for the U.S. Government is established and confirmed to be Jupiter.

This weeks blog is about re-establishing the original spirituality that was meant
to guide and protect this country through its growth and stability.

"If you are thinking 1 year ahead plant a seed, if you are thinking 10 years 
ahead plant a tree, if you are thinking 100 years ahead educate the people."
---Chinese Proverb

I look forward to hearing any and all comments!

---Sal Salvadini

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