
Monday, July 22, 2013

"Expect the Unexpected"

Expect the Unexpected, sounds like something out one of Murphy's Laws.  The truth of this 
statement is that Spirit has a better vantage point, and has a sense of humor.
They know what is going to happen, before we do! Spirit can see it, before we can.
Always, Expect the Unexpected.

Practically, the only way I have been able to handle this, is to remain calm..
Go with the flow!  Rev. Betty always says, "This is Good, This is Good!"
Because if you are going to complain, or repeat this is bad. Guess what, it
can get worse, next time.  Always, expect the best, you will magnetically
attract the best, using the Law of Attraction.
This is a Universal Law, not one that I dreamed up in my basement..

This weeks blog is a review of the local Tucson TV show called: "Steps Beyond Time"
Show 54 "Expect The Unexpected."

In this show Rev. Betty tells a story of when her and her psychic sister, Rev. Nora Allen
were in Montgomery Alabama. They were there paying tribute to
Dr. Martin Luther king Jr, visiting the Dexter Ave Baptist Church.

And the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Rev. Betty repeats a phrase that has been on the internet with a little change.
She said,  "That Rosa sat, (Rosa Parks) so Martin could walk. (Martin Luther King Jr.)
Martin walked so Obama could run. (Barack Obama) Obama ran so, we all could
have a voice.",_Jr.

Rev. Betty is returning home, and finds that at 8am, all the planes in the
Montgomery Regional Airport are grounded.  Then Rev. Betty once again
hears that familiar voice of Spirit. Telling her, that the planes will not fly
until she gives a unsuspecting stranger a tarot reading..  Listen to this
amazing story..

She meets someone from
Foot & Mouth Painters of America at that airport.

Rev. Betty also tells a story about going to Korea, and being stranded in that
airport. She was not picked up, she did not have a phone number to call.
Find out what happens...

That is what is in this episode of "Steps Beyond Time."

Metaphysically speaking, there are no coincidences. It is all a matter of what is called
synchronicity.  This refers to events in the Universe, that are somehow preplanned and
all come together at the right time..
Adrian Calabrese, Complete guide to using your Psychic Common Sense p. 22

It was 44 years between the civil rights act and the election of Barack Obama,
it is my prediction that in 22 years, in 2030.  We will see the next big step
in this country's evolution..  Sal Salvadini

Until next week,
"Life is what happens to you, when your making other plans"
John Lennon

So make other plans and live life.. Smell a fresh ground bag of coffee, smell
the flowers.. Ask Spirit to introduce you to something new and fun..  Keep
asking Spirit and the results, will just amaze you..

In the voice of Spirit,
Sal Salvadini


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