
Wednesday, September 03, 2014

The Subconscious Mind, Why We Have it!

This week blogs is about the part of us called the Subconscious mind.
We have all heard of the power of the subconscious mind and how
it can change your life.
But do you know why we have a subconscious mind?
The subconscious is the backup mind aka

 "Mental Image Narrative Device"  

 When a person transitions to the spirit world it is what is called
the subconscious mind, that allows a person to keep their memories.

A good source in the Spirit World, Monsignor Hugh Benson gives the
explanation of the Subconscious Mind.

The Explanation:

"It is commonly understood that man is composed of a body, soul & spirit.
The physical body he is fairly familiar with, but what of the soul & spirit?
Of these 2 man knows little indeed. What he does not realize is that he is a
spirit first, last and always. The physical body is merely a vehicle for his
spirit body on his journey through earthly life."

"The mind belongs to the spirit body. Every human experience every
thought, word, and deed, that go to make up the sum of earthly human
experience is infallibly and eradicably recorded upon what is called the
subconscious mind through the agency of the physical brain."

"When it is time for man to leave his physical body and
passes into the realm of the spirit world. He will find that
his spirit body is the complete counterpart of his earthly
body he has just left  behind. He will find what he called
the subconscious mind when he was incarnate has now
assumed its rightful place in the new scheme of
existence in the spirit world.
This mind reveals itself as a complete and
perfect chronicle of it's owners life upon earth."

Monsignor Hugh Benson from the book
"Here & Hereafter"
by Anthony Borgia.  Pages 7 & 8 free download:

---The Magnetic Chord:
Also known as the Silver Chord

The magnetic chord is what keeps the spirit body connected to the physical
body.  When we go to sleep at night, the spirit body separates and goes
off to various places in the spirit world.  What allows it to find it way back
is what is called the magnetic chord.  The magnetic chord is an elastic
life line that can stretch and become hair like in appearance. Once the
magnetic chord is dissolved the spirit is free from the body.  This happens
at the transition called death.

If you want to read more about the magnetic chord and astral projection:

Here is a question that I would like some to ponder on:

What if our human physical lifetime is just a mere blip on the
on the spiritual screen?   Suppose we are immortal souls just
having a physical experience, and we go back home after this

Sal Salvadini

"Great Spirit have always encountered violent opposition from
mediocre minds."
~Albert Einstein

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