Hello from Tucson Arizona, USA
This weeks blog is based on the information I received while
sitting in a Spiritualist Trance Circle. Here in Tucson
Rev. Kristine Fossetti of the Temple of Universality is a
trance medium who holds circles (seances) twice a month
on Friday evenings. The Temple of Universality Spiritualist
Church was founded on the premise that there is truth in all
The message from the Spirit World this time is:
Let me give you some details about this statement
Everyone who attends the circle has an opportunity to ask
a question from the spirit world.. If it is your first time
and you have no questions, you will be introduced to your
band of guides.
You can read my earlier post, about this subject:
In this particular circle a newly transitioned spirit came
through to one of the sitters. His passing was sudden and
unexpected to everyone. He found himself in a hospital
like setting in the spirit world. In fact he said that he was
brought to the circle by 2 of his doctors.
"Finish up all your vices or excesses before you transition to
this side. Example: smoking, alcohol or even over eating
whatever it is, bring it into balance.
When you arrive in the Spirit World you must go through
a healing process to release yourself from these unbalanced
excesses. These excesses are very energy consuming things
that need to be worked on and healed before one can start
their life in the Spirit World.
We are taken to the closest thing that you know of a hospital
setting, although it is nothing like you have ever seen on
the physical world. Much nicer and happier place!
There are doctors there to help you work through you
issues or vices. It is at your pace, similar to a physical
rehabilitation process.
If this advice is heeded by a least one person and saves
that person the spirit hospital experience. I am grateful
to be able to convey this message."
~Spirit of the 9/28/14 Tucson Trance Circle
"Blessings upon your life's journey on earth. Remember
the earth life is a short one, then you go back home to the
real world."
As for me, Sal Salvadini I have a newspaper reporter
in spirit who I work with in order to bring you these
stories. So, if there is story out there then we will
bring it to you! We work the old fashioned way.
If you have a story that you want to tell email:
That's this weeks blog.
-Sal Salvadini