
Monday, August 26, 2013

Healers of the Past

Steps Beyond Time
Healing and Healers

In order to know what to expect in the present, sometimes we need to
go back to the past.
I will recap the Show Steps Beyond Time #24
"Healing and Healers"

The first healer that Rev. Betty and Rev. Darryl introduce is
a German Healer named Bruno Groening.
Bruno Groening was born in 1906, after WW2, he became famous
in Germany.  Bringing God's healing to thousands of people at the 
time. The Phenomenon Bruno Groening watch this 2 min video 
and see what you think!
Bruno Groening

Honestly, until listening to this show, I had no idea who
Bruno Groening was.  I had heard many people speak of
Bruno at the Temple of Universality. I also heard many 
stories about  people being healed after asking for his assistance.
I can honestly say,"That I have developed a respect for
this man, after listening to the show and going to the
internet and doing my research..  

Rev. Darryl tells a story that Bruno showed up at many of
Rev. Kristine Fossetti's Trance Circles, and was even 
joking with Rev. Betty asking "if she was going to ordain him?"
Bruno Groening brings his healing energy and band of healers every Sunday here in Tucson to the Temple of Universality. Durning the healing part of the Sunday Service.. 

A little titbit of information that Rev. Darryl states:
that Bruno had said that there at 2 power centers in the
United States the 1st  is  Manhattan and the 2nd is Tucson.

The next Healer mentioned in this show is Swami Rama.
Swami Rama
Swami Rama  was an Indian yogi. He known as the 1st yogis who allowed himself to be examined 
by Western scientists. In 1970 he allowed himself to be examined by scientists at the Menninger Clinic
who studied his ability to voluntary control bodily processes (such as heartbeats, blood pressure and body temperature).
Swami  Rama was even able to duplicate a cancer cell for the scientists, proving that all disease due to thoughts. 

There is an actual youtube that explains who and what
Swami Rama did.  Swami Rama appeared on the 
Phil Donahue show back in the 70's.

Rev. Betty tells about a video that she saw back
in the 70's, where the scientists of the Menninger Clinic 
try and trick the Swami.  They ask him how he knew this.
He told them he followed them and saw them switch 
envelopes.. The scientist could not conceive this.
He was sitting in trance before many people and his
body never moved.  
Spirit Card by Rev. Hoyt Robinette

There is also another treat on this weeks episode called Spirit Cards.
One of Mother Theresa, and Rev. Betty's doctor-teacher: Dr. Butler.
Through the Physical Phenomenon Mediumship of Rev. Hoyt   

I wrote a blog in February after attending a spirit card circle. 

These 2 servants of humanity are demonstrations of healing and phenomenon.
They both have been documented by many witnesses.  They both emphasize 
that thought is directly associated with healing.. 

It has been an honor to be able to present these people to you.
It is my hope that you become more inspired by them as I have!!

"In order to carry a positive action we must develop here a positive vision."
------Dali Lama

The more that I investigate these demonstrations of Physical Phenomenon,
the more I realize that this world is really a Magical World.  It is my
hope that some that magic rubs off to my readers.  

Expect the good to reveal it's self to you, No matter the situation! 
Sal Salvadini

Monday, August 19, 2013

Miracle Minded

Every week I am given a topic to write about.. This week is called Miracle Minded.
This weeks Steps Beyond Time show "Miracle Minded."  Was a little more difficult
to write about than usual.. I am saying to my guides why is that?  They respond, 
"Watch the show again."  I still was having difficulties. And, then I watched the 
show a third time. All of a sudden, a feeling comes over me, and what I am 
writing starts to flow from finger tips.

Recapping this show "Miracle Minded", Rev. Betty Tatalajski and Rev. Darryl 
Schoon.  Make the statements: "I am entitled to Miracles." They also say," If Miracles
are not happening in your life, you are not Miracle minded."

They make references to a book called: The Course in Miracles

Rev. Betty states that as a Metaphysician and a Spiritualist, "That this
book is true."  She also states, "that this book is overly studied (not those
same words). Allow the Holy Spirit to move through you, it will change 
your life. If your not holding on too tightly.  Life will become a miracle, and
you will be miracle minded.."

Rev. Betty and Rev. Darryl explain the way a Metaphysician reads the
course of Miracles.  Which is a much different way than the average 
person would go about reading this book.

If your interested in learning how a to do this, then you need
to listen to this show!  Steps Beyond Time 45, "Miracle Minded"

The 2nd part of this show is about when Rev. Betty traveled to 
one of the greek islands.. She tells of a very full of life young lady
named Maria, who was her guide..  It seems that 4 years earlier
Maria had been seriously injured and unable to walk.. 
Background of how Maria was injured is given.  The most
exciting part is how Maria was healed of the paralyzed injury.

Maria had been given a St. Nektarios prayer card before going
into an operation, that was not supposed to correct the
problem.. In 4 months time after the operation, Maria was up
and walking again.. 

St. Nektarios died on November 9, 1920 and was buried in a special chapel which he had built. People continued to flock to the Convent of the Holy Trinity, to pay their respects at the Shrine of St. Nektarios. Miracles continue to take place at his grave site year after year. Eventually, the Patriarchate of Constantinople proclaimed Nektarios a Saint in 1961. St. Nektarios is considered the Patron Saint for people who have cancer, heart trouble, arthritis, epilepsy and other sicknesses. Visitors to this shrine leave filled with the love and peace that St. Nektarios gave to all when he lived.

These are just a couple of the stories in this episode,
there is much more than that.

Personally, I started practicing the Metaphysical techniques of reading
something and not over thinking it, and then asking spirit to give me
the message that I need.  I realized that being Miracle Minded is not
complicated, it is just the opposite.  It is actually easy, now all I need
to is keep practicing that concept..  That is the key!!!!

"Do or Do not, there is not try"

You can try this experiment on your own.
Ask Spirit to show you a miracle everyday
for a month. I would love to know your results.

That's this weeks blog!

Become the Miracle in your own life. If you don't believe it, fake it until 
you make it!!!

Sal salvadini

Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Ashtar Command

This weeks blog is a recap of the TV show: Steps Beyond Time # 44
                                                     The Ashtar Command

In this show Rev. Betty shows and introduces us to a Space commander named
Gold Star. She explains how in 1980, she witnesses a gold flying sphere about
20 ft over her head. It starts to telepathically talk to her. She is given a tour of what the inside
looks like.    After that, Rev. Betty immediately calls another Psychic Medium named Rev.
Rita Selman, who happens to be the spokesperson for the Ashtar Command for the
Southwest sector of the United States..
Commander Gold Star
drawn by psychic artist
Rev.Carolyn Larabee

For my readers a little background on the Ashtar Command:
Ashtar command is a collective consciousness of beings who's responsibility it is to 
shepherd the earth through a very intense transition period.  
----Darryl Schoon

There is a person called Ashtar, who is the chosen officiant of The Ashtar Command.
Ashtar made his entrance on the Earthian scene in 1952, through contactee 
George Van Tassel.

In this episode, Rev. Betty tells the story of how Rev. Rita Selman received 
her the details of her commission.  (Commission is the act of granting certain
powers or authority to carry out a particular task or duty.)  There was an
appearance of a little girl sitting on a rock in the middle of desert.  When
Rev. Rita and her husband went out to investigate, they both recognized the
little girl.  This little girl revealed that, this is the chosen form she came
to speak, to both of them in.  She revealed, that she is really a space commander
for the Ashtar Command. She then proceeded to tell Rev. Rita about 
her commission.

Listen to Rev. Betty Tatalajski tell it!   In this link is Rev. Rita Selman and her husband Loyd. p3

Rev Rita Selman nows works from the Spirit world assisting the original
Ashtar groups that she helped set up, in whatever manner that is needed.

Rev. Betty also tells of how the Temple of Universality received it's commission
and from whom.. She tells that the commission was given to her by a being
called Sanat Kumura (Ancient of Days)

In the Temple of Universality, we work with the Holy Spirit who encompasses 
all of our creators universe.. Those that are human and many who are of a different nature.

All the beings who come through the Temple are of  God's Light and Radiance.

Just something for you to think about????
In revelations, chapter 20
I saw an angel come down from heaven,

Angel is described as a supernatural being or spirit, usually humanoid in form, 
found in various religions or mythologies.

Heaven described in the bible.  There are 3 heavens:
1. firmaments, earths atmosphere
2. outer space starry heavens
3.Where god and his angels dwell

Whats your thoughts on that sentence?

That's this weeks blog:

"When we as a race of people on this planet, will in time all come to understand                                   and believe the same truths.  This is when the real miracles start to occur.."
------Sal Salvadini

Monday, August 05, 2013

Casting Call: Stage Actors Planet Earth "The Experience"

Day Light Productions

Open Casting Call for  StageActors-  Planet Earth "The Experience"

Drama, Action, Romance, Comedy and many more. 

Send your holographic resume, include any recommendations
from past and present teachers.   
Include saying this line. (Be Creative)

"  I  will play the  (blank, blank, blank ) in the Planet Earth Experience."

The Earth play is like Summer Stock Theatre.  Many are discovered here on Planet Earth.
All will be considered, few will be chosen.  Many will be given a number for
the waiting list.

Do you remember responding to this call? 
"What!" You say," Your not an actor."
I remind you, that you are..      OH, Yes, you are!!
Well, if you reading this you certainly are in this production.. And that is "No Cosmic Joke!" 

Lets go back to how you located here to Earth:
In order to get here, you had to sign up.. From the Cosmic standpoint this is the Ultimate
play. You wanted to be the next Marlon Brando, James Dean or Marilyn Monroe of the Cosmos.
Becoming that allows you to write your ticket to any other play in the Universe. 

You sent in your resume to the producers of this cosmic play. You auditioned for one of the roles.
You waited for what seemed like a lifetime, and you finally get a call back.
They say," There is a part available," but is not the one your auditioned for.  Now, they say,
"It is an opportunity to improve your craft." Eventually, when your particular role opens, you will 
be considered for that part..   

Your friends say this is a great opportunity, they ask you to meditate on it,  seek within
yourself, whether you should take it.  You, decide "Yes, I will take it."

Now, lets go over the contract that you signed..

Your contract will last one earth lifetime. There are penalties called Karma, for not  following that
contract. Which may result, in taking more roles, and different lifetimes.
Be aware: It takes on average about 256 lifetimes to perfect your craft.

There are those exceptions the Super Stars, who are have completed their role in perfection,
and have moved on to the next play in the Universe..   They have set the standards that 
we need to achieve in order to play our roles to perfection..   They have been awarded the Cosmo.
(The Hollywood equivalent of the Oscar)

There are just 2 rules you need to follow and remember:
As long as you follow these 2 rules, you be fine.  Forget them and you risk the possibility
of losing your identity to the character role. 
You are taking on this role, bringing this character to life. Breathing life force into it. 
This is your creation, sometimes, if you let it, it will takeover.
You stay in character too long and before you know it
you forget about the real you.. You identify with the character in this case the 
body or Embodiment that you inhabit in this lifetime.  You are responsible for 
any actions that are not of the highest integrity..  Karma

I once, heard a story of an actor named Mike Myers, while in filming, he actually
becomes that character and stays in character the whole time.
 Even when the camera
is not on..

1. Daily downloads from your higher self (God Presence), at least 15 minutes daily
2. If you get stuck, call out "Help"
    You are not alone, your coaches are all around you, in Spirit.  Since this is an on going
    production, you must call out, "Break! " (Free Will)

There  is only 1 way, to get out  of the contract.. 
1. Complete it, and receive the agreed upon compensation.

 Break it, and be subject any penalties according to the contract.
Giving up, and conforming to mass conscious, you risk become attached to the wheel of Karma. 

After that lifetime,  you go to the Spirit world. The producers will come to you and review your  contract. They will give you, your options:  who and what you need to play, and how many       lifetimes it will take to land that role you originally signed for..

So you go to classes and take directions from coaches and try again.  
Placing yourself in different
parts and places in order to finally land that role that you always wanted..

Eventually, we perfect our craft!  Get it Right!  Get the Cosmo!
And move on the next play in the Universe.

Without wonder and insight acting is just a business. With it, it becomes a creation.
--- Betty Davis

That is this weeks blog:

Enjoy life and dream about doing something exciting.
And then Do it!

Sal Salvadini