
Monday, May 20, 2013

A Thank You to Father Justin, of the Spirit World!!! (Testimony)

I first learned about Fr. Justin from Rev. Betty Tatalajski of the Temple of Universality,
Tucson, AZ.  Rev. Betty told me, how Father Justin contacted her.  It was at Camp Chesterfield,
Indiana in a seance circle. He was looking for people who needed assistance.
 Father Justin, explained that when he was alive on the earth plane,
he was a priest in the Catholic Church.  Because Father Justin saw spirits and spoke up
about it, he was defrocked.. When he was alive, he made a vow to help people. 
Father Justin was not able to fulfill that vow, due to his situation. 

Rev. Betty, told me a story about how Father Justin helped someone.. This was back in the 80's
There was a guy who got sick, lost his job and his girlfriend left him.  Rev. Betty gave this person
Fr. Justin's picture, and told him to ask him to help.. (We need to ask, the law of Free Will
requires us to formally ask.)
Well within 3 months time, this person had a new car, a new job and new girlfriend..  This 
person started making xerox copies of Fr. Justin. He began passing them out to people, in different
states. (Father Justin, joked in one of the Trance circles that he had a Xerox Ministry.)

This is just one account of aid given, there are many others.

I heard through my spirit guides that I needed to get Father Justin's picture
and start passing his picture around.

So, I asked Rev Inger Mason of The Temple of Universality for Father Justin's picture.
It is posted.  I spoke with Father Justin through Rev. Kristine Fossatti on Friday May 17th
trance circle.. Father Justin mentioned that with any request that we receive,                                        I say we because, I work many that are part of a team.
Before the assignment goes to anyone, since we do not personally know you.. We must go
to the board to ask permission to act on your behalf..  It is the Karmic board, they 
give us permission to alleviate the situation to the exact degree..  
It can be a total dissolving of the situation, or the opposite end would we can only stand by
and send comfort and give secondary assistance. (Example, the accident could not be averted
but we send rescue.) We will never leave anyone alone.. You are never alone..

Father Justin stated "that when he first arrived on that side, the picture that you see was created
on silk from Fr. Justin. through physical medium Hoyt Robinette, in one of his silk circles."
  Fr. Justin created the image with his mental abilities, and was able to 
send it, to the silk. He mentioned that part of his face was missing, this is because he was still 
was not as practiced in mentally focusing at that time.  This is the reason his whole image did 
not come through.. He has stated that he will try again, next time the opportunity presents itself.

I can personally give testimony to Father Justin's work.. I requested that he help my family,
get back into their house asap. after hurricane Sandy flooded New York.. They were the first
ones on the block to have electricity, heat and hot water. They were back in their within 3 wks

I have created a Facebook fan page for Father Justin for people to give testimony of
his assistance. 

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