
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

An Opportunity to Work with the Holy Spirit !

This is a message from St. Theresa of Lisieux  (The Little Flower) through Rev Betty  Tatalajski  of the Temple of Universality Tucson Arizona. 

St. Theresa holds the co-position of Patron Saint of France along with Joan of Arc.

Here a few ways to ask God to send Healing Energy to people, animals, places or situations. 

Spirit leads us to meet different people. One of the reasons can be that, the person has 
some sought of agony.  It can be in the supermarket or on a street corner,
you don't have to know that person's name. 
Just take a deep breath, and quietly say "I see you healed, I see you healed."

If you write down the names of people, place or situation that needs healing.
Say," Dear God,
I am asking for healing these dear people according to you will." 

Which translates to mean according to their karma.
We are not asking God to bend the law of Karma for us and our desire
to see our friend healed.  We must understand that the laws can not be broken or bent.

Before you were born, you participated in a review before the Karmic Board.

 There, you were given your papers, 
your assignment. This is what you are to do in this life, and it's so accurate. It says on those papers at what age
you are going to meet so-and-so with whom you have a karmic debt. At what time, in what position you are going
to do this, you are going to do that-it's all written down.
You know it in your soul. Sometimes you feel it coming. Sometimes you feel you are about to meet someone that's
going to be a difficult  problem, or you are about to meet someone or find out something that is going to change 
your life.

So if our friend is not healed, know that by asking for this intercession you have 
lightened up the burden, to level that is acceptable according to that individuals karma.

Spirit says, if you see an accident on a corner, with all the mayhem going on.
Quietly say, "Please Dear God send your angels of comfort to this situation." You are not
there by accident. There are not accidents in this world .

Spirit says,"all of us wear a golden chain." Whether you speak to each other, or just share
a moment together.  When we do things like this we add another link to our golden chain of
life.  We are all connected, by sending out good positive energies it will return to us.

Thanks for reading and following my blog.


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