This picture is of Joan of Arc at age 12 in a field meeting St. Michael, St. Catherine and
St. Margaret. They gave her instructions on driving out the english, and bring the heir
apparent to Rheims for his coronation. She said,"She cried when they left because
they were so beautiful." This was Joan's first step into Spiritual Wonderland.
Once you are shown spiritual wonderland and everything that it entails it is similar
to the scene in the Matrix
Todays, blog is about the TV Show Steps Beyond Time # 30
"Spiritualist Wonderland" Celebrating the Spiritualist Movement.
In this episode Rev. Betty gives a reference to the day March 31st, 1848, which
she calls the renting of the veil. The event Rev. Betty is referring to is the
Fox sisters in Hydesville NY, this is the event that was first considered to
be the beginning of modern spiritualism. Rev. Betty gives advice against using the Oujia board, it attracts spirits of a
lower vibration.
. Rev. Betty explains that there is more to life than you see in this reality.
Whether you live 6 months or 106 years, it is a small blip, in the scheme
of things. There are many more lives, than just this one.
The soul does not die. This body is a container or vehicle for our souls
to walk around in on the planet. After, we shed this physical body we
go back to the other side. The other side is the actual real life.
. Rev Betty talks about a spiritual healer in India. Shree Chakravarti
how she electrified water just by breathing into it. Rev. Betty witness
flames shoot up out of the bucket.. She tells the story of a man who
was brought to her carried in a blanket by 4 men. This person tells her,
how he is due to get heart surgery in New York.. Shree tells him all
he has is a pinched nerve. Heals him, and he walks away.
. I am looking to make contact with this person, this healing
happened in 1982 at the Bombay Conference, organized by
Stanlislaus Grof. If anyone knows this person please, ask
them to contact me.
If you fear what you don't understand, then research it. Knowledge
is your most important tool in this world. With it we can do untold
wonders, without it we remain in ignorance.
"Even old dogs can learn new tricks, it just takes longer."
Sal Salvadini