This weeks blog is about the great swedish mystic seer who some say
is the" Father of Our Knowledge on Supernatural Matters." We are
remembering how Emanuel Swedenborg received his awakening to
this supernatural knowledge. Which started on Easter Weekend of April
6th, 1744.
The Strange Visitation
The spiritual awakening in April of 1744 (some write it was 1745).
Swedenborg was dining in a private room at a tavern in London.
When the meal was over, darkness filled his eyes and the room appeared
to alter. Suddenly he saw a figure in the corner of the room who said:
"Do not eat too much!" Swedenborg hurried home scared. Later that
night that same man appeared again in his dreams. That man told
Swedenborg he was the Lord, that he had appointed Swedenborg to
reveal the Spiritual meaning of the bible, that he would guide
Swedenborg in what to write. We are told that same night the spiritual
world was opened to Swedenborg.
To you my readers: If I ever get the opportunity to ask
Emanuel Swedenborg about the real story of that night in the
London Tavern, I shall report back to you what he says from the
Spirit World.
Like, I did with St. Paul responding to my question:
Rev. Betty Tatalajski of the Temple of Universality Tucson, AZ USA
speaks that we who are spiritualists walk upon the works of the ones who
came before us. "We stand on their shoulders, and we are encouraged to
build and expand asking spirit to give us the instruction and guidance to do so."
Heaven & Hell
Emanuel Swedenborg's most famous book "Heaven & Hell". This
book talks about the life in the Spirit world, Swedenborg speaks with
Angels and spirits and also demons. It speaks about that the spirit world
how it is much like this physical world that we dwell in.
there sleep, eat, talk, read books and celebrate the same as we do here.
Swedenborg tells about the journey or transition of the time of death of
the physical. When the human spirit leaves the body and is prepared to
enter either Heaven or Hell.
Fascinating read, if your interest is finding out about the next life.
I tried to read the original translation:
I found that Simon Parke's translation is clearer and more understandable:
There is the Swedenborg foundation for all things that are Swedenborg:
I live for the day when communicating with the spirit world
is as easy a phone call away.
Where mankind is able to be advised by a spiritual advisors, not the
ones in the physical bodies but the ones in the spiritual bodies.
Where they speak and teach us how to deal with situations using practical
methods. I think that is when humanity will truly understand God, they
can ask their own questions and get a direct response. Not someones
interpretation, but from the persons themselves with the better view.
"It can & will happen."
That this weeks blog:
Sal Salvadini
"Live you life as though your every act were to become
a Universal Law"
----Immanuel Kant