
Sunday, June 16, 2013

"Connecting with Tucson Spiritualists"

Have you ever gone to football game and became uplifted, or gone to the gym and the person next you
is really working out, and your inspired to push yourself… This is called Matching the Energy.

I like to introduce everyone to a local Tucson TV Show:  "Steps Beyond Time"

The shows hosts are Rev. Betty Tatalajski and Rev. Darryl Schoon, Ministers (psychic mediums)
of The Temple of Universality.. This is a show with many stories of people having
spiritual experiences with Metaphysical themes..

Rev. Betty Tatalajski has been a voice for Spirit for 33 years, she often quotes, "Spirit".
Listening to Rev. Betty talk about Spirit and the people on the other side of the veil, simplifies
all that I learned about the Spirit  World to, "Just Ask and It Shall Be Given". 
I know that after watching this show, I was uplifted and inspired. I matched the energy of the
show..   This is Show  # 51 called Dysfunction Junction

Some of the stories listed here are:
*Story of Tom  Green( Comedian) and how he was healed of cancer, and the way he
went about talking to God.

.* Visit to Mother Theresa's Center in Calcutta by a member of the temple, and the 
amazing story of Gobi the angel.

*Story about why a person would return to earth and take a physical embodiment.

*A channeled message from Spirit through Rev. Betty Tatalajski called
Dysfunction Junction.

If your interested in connecting with the Spiritual energy that Tucson generates
and your not local then, this is a show, for you to watch… 

"If you would not be forgotten
As soon as you are dead and rotten,
Either write things worthy reading,
Or do things worth the writing."
                                                             Ben Franklin

Have a great week, and remember to talk to Spirit, Don't be surprised when you get an answer!

Sal Salvadini

This the link to the Youtube show:

1 comment:

  1. Great blog Sal. Thank you for making this information available!


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