
Showing posts with label animal magnetism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label animal magnetism. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Mesmer's Contribution to Spiritualism

Greeting from Sunny & Hot Tucson, Arizona USA.
Where the days are at 100 degrees fahrenheit.

This weeks blog is a tribute to Franz Anton Mesmer who will be
280 years old this week.  Born on May 23, 1734 - March 5, 1815.
Mesmer for whom is known internationally
for the technique named after him, called Mesmerism.
One form of Mesmerism is the trance like state that a medium
goes into in order to connect with the spirit world and give messages.

Mesmer theorized that the tidal influences of the planets also operate
on the human body through a universal force, which he termed:
"Animal Magnetism".

Mesmer created a healing system that rested on the belief that illness
was caused by depleted levels of animal magnetism in the body.
and these could be replenished by the healer transmitting some of
his own abundant magnetic force across the ether to the patient.
Using a complex and lengthy sequence of hand gesture known as
the Mesmeric Pass.

These healing caused people to go into what we would call a hypnotic
trance state, which was first called mesmerism or mesmeric sleep.


---The Contribution to Spiritualism
Franz Mesmer contribution to spiritualism came through his
technique of Mesmerism that was demonstrated in the United States.

The Spiritualist Contact:
Mediums are able to be put in a trance-like state and give messages
from the spirit world, to dictate books, prescribe illnesses and give

It influenced Andrew Jackson Davis, known as John the Baptist
of the Spiritualist movement.

The Spiritual Healing

In a Spiritualist Church, some part of the service is devoted to healing.
Todays spiritualist, usually perform some type of placing hands
on a person and allow the animal magnetism to follow from the
healer to person being healed. ( Allowing the assistance of the
spirit world to help us do this.)

Mesmer Speaks from Spirit World

From my reading and research it seemed that Mesmer used the
science of observation to come to many conclusions.  Mesmer
was what we would be considered an explorer.
(At this point of writing this blog, I was over come with a feeling
of someone standing over me in Spirit.) He started to dictate this:

"I loved, the practice!  It was all unknown at the time.
I would use trial and error. In early trials, I would record 
what worked and what did not.

 I would have an amazing amount of exhilaration after a particular 
success with a patient. I would be very anxious to record the results and 
findings.  One such finding that I was particularly very interested 
in was the phenomena of the sixth sense (clairvoyance) while
the patient was in a trance like state.  They were able to foresee 
future events and give unknown information.

After, many of my followers developed and expanded on 
my finding in different ways.  Some went to develop 
hypnosis to be used in different areas."

Franz Mesmer through Sal Salvadini

That is this weeks blog:
My suggestion is to take Mark Twain's advice on life!
---Sal Salvadini

Life is short, Break the rules.
Give quickly, Kiss SLOWLY, Love Truly
Laugh uncontrollably, and never regret
ANYTHING that makes you smile.
----Mark Twain

Ref: Mesmerism, Hypnotism & Spiritualism in the Nineteenth Century